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How The Moon Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope The Week Of July 29 – August 4, 2024



How The Moon Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign’s Horoscope The Week Of July 29 – August 4, 2024

The weekly horoscope for each zodiac sign in astrology is here, starting July 29 – August 4, 2024. Let’s see what’s happening with the Moon, planets and the Sun at the peak of Leo season. Gemini season may be over, but we are still experiencing effects from Mars, Jupiter and the Moon in the sign of the twins.

The Moon will travel from Gemini through Virgo

At the start of the week, Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are in Gemini, bringing an intense desire to make things happen. Things calm down when the Moon enters Cancer on July 31, allowing us to take things cautiously and carefully in all aspects of our lives. 

The New Moon arrives on August 4

We are also more aware of our emotions for the next several days until the Moon enters Leo. The New Moon in Leo on the 4th enhances the vibrant energy of Leo season and will continue to bring optimism to the collective as the Moon connects with Jupiter and Mars to help us see more opportunities and possibilities. 

Venus changes zodiac signs during the New Moon

Venus will enter the sign of Virgo on the 4th, building the energy of the mutable T square on the horizon. The week will be a good period to take existing projects to new heights, with Mars and Jupiter giving us the go-ahead. However, as long as we are practical about what we can achieve, it will be productive.

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Weekly horoscope for each zodiac sign from July 29 – August 4, 2024:


stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

A solid week to catch up with your routines and make some valuable changes. The week begins with the Moon in Gemini, allowing you to revise, revisit and edit any pending work. 

The Moon in Cancer illuminates your mind, and the New Moon in Leo will fuel your creativity and ignite your romantic life. A good period to reconnect with a project you gave up on or forgot about. Venus enters Virgo, enriching your life with the potential for doing the work you love.

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Weekly Horoscope For Taurus Zodiac Sign July 29 - August 4, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Feeling more ambitious could result from the Gemini Moon transit; it will allow you to connect with the New Moon energies early on. The Moon in Cancer allows you to focus on planning and brainstorming new ideas. 

The New Moon in Leo will help you plant the seeds to make it all a reality. When Venus enters Virgo, you can feel your creative energy surge, which can help your ideas flourish. Take things slow and wait for the next Leo Full Moon results.

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Weekly Horoscope For Gemini Zodiac Sign July 29 - August 4, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

The Moon will be in your sign early in the week, which can be quite a potent first two days. You are confident, powerful and encouraged to succeed. However, don’t try to fly too close to the Sun or you may be disappointed. The Moon in Cancer helps to cool you down and adds a dose of practicality. 

The New Moon in Leo is exciting but also a period of work and patience. You can achieve a lot with help from others during this transit. When Venus enters Virgo on the 4th, this can be a moment where you can connect with your root system and family history for the next several weeks.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Cancer Zodiac Sign July 29 - August 4, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Taking things easy is essential, especially with the concentration of planets in Gemini early in the week. Go slow and steady to ensure your victory. 

On the 31st, the Moon enters your sign, giving you charm and magnetism; people will be enamored by you. The New Moon in Leo will set the stage for new goals, and you may focus on expanding your skills. Venus enters Virgo on the 4th, making the weekend magical and thrilling. A wonderful time to reconnect with others.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Leo Zodiac Sign July 29 - August 4, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Socializing may be the priority for the week as the Moon in Gemini helps you to make new connections. The Moon in Cancer is your friendly reminder to rest and not take things so seriously. 

A powerful transit will be the New Moon in your sign, setting the stage and allowing you to be patient and show yourself more love. You are receiving the tools and lessons from Pluto to evolve into the version of yourself you desire to be. Venus entering Virgo will be a time to work on expansion, growth and understanding of the material realm.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Virgo Zodiac Sign July 29 - August 4, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Mutable energy kicks off the week with the Moon in Gemini, helping you to be victorious. Taking on a leadership role now comes easier since you have driven thanks to Mars and Jupiter at the highest point of your chart.

The Moon in Cancer cares for your relationships as you continue your evolution. The New Moon in Leo reminds you to pace yourself and focus on what is truly important in your life. On the 4th, Venus enters your sign, reminding you of your love language.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Libra Zodiac Sign July 29 - August 4, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

You welcome the air energy early in the week as the Moon in Gemini activates your curiosity and desire to explore and visit new places. But you may opt to read a good book or start a new learning journey.

The Moon in Cancer reminds you to stay ahead of the curve and be more methodical with your goals. Having the New Moon in Leo, will bring the focus on your social life. A period of networking and hard work. Your ruler enters the sign of Virgo, setting the stage for a new chapter and a period to reflect on your desires.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Scorpio Zodiac Sign July 29 - August 4, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Connections become meaningful with the Moon in Gemini, kickstarting the week. The Moon in Cancer adds love and optimism into your world that will be continued by the New Moon in Leo. 

This New Moon in Leo may make you feel enlightened and more confident. It is your moment to claim your power and admire yourself, just like you have done this season. Venus is entering Virgo, so you are prepared to meet new people and show them your charming side.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Sagittarius Zodiac Sign July 29 - August 4, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

The chaos in your relationship house will be magnified early in the week as Luna in Gemini joins Mars and Jupiter. A lot of action and activity can either be stimulating or draining. Channel this energy into a project that needs your attention. 

The Moon in Cancer can bring stability and comfort, and the New Moon in Leo will add more optimism. A time to seek out new things and focus on what brings you happiness and fuels your curiosity and desire for learning. You know you can manage the storm once Venus ingresses in Virgo, giving you a triumphant moment in the sun.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Capricorn Zodiac Sign July 29 - August 4, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

As you start the week, the Moon in Gemini can be an eye opening transit, helping you to see how you want to progress with work. Jupiter and Mars in Gemini are also adding more insight. 

The Moon in Cancer helps you to rest, relax and recalibrate. The New Moon in Leo reminds you to listen to your body and be more present for yourself and your needs. When Venus enters Virgo on the 4th, it can be the perfect time to begin a new project.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Aquarius Zodiac Sign July 29 - August 4, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

Honesty becomes your armor with the Moon in Gemini early in the week, allowing you to be genuine with those around you. The Moon in Cancer will bring you a period of focus, and it can be energizing since you will be inspired to achieve. 

As the New Moon enters Leo towards the end of the week, you will find spending time with your partner pleasant. A time to be more open emotionally and give your heart to your love.

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Weekly Horoscope For Each Pisces Zodiac Sign July 29 - August 4, 2024 stux from pixabay, graphixmania | Canva Pro

 Luna in Gemini early in the week allows you to settle down and work for what you want. Relationship energy will feel potent with the Moon in Cancer during the middle of the week. 

The New Moon in Leo reminds you to stay on track with your responsibilities and not slack off.  Toward the end of the week as Venus ingresses Virgo. It will be a lovely but challenging period that will allow you to connect and strengthen your bonds with your partner.

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.

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