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How To Write an Effective Cover Letter: 6 Tips for Job Seekers



How To Write an Effective Cover Letter: 6 Tips for Job Seekers

In the last few years, we have experienced candidate-driven markets in America, but the trend started to change in 2023. In April 2024, Reuters, for example, wrote about another 7% increase in layoff announcements compared to March 2024.

Candidates need to be ready for the changing landscape: until now, hiring managers have begged them to return to the offices at least a couple of days a week, and they offered record-high salaries just to get those seats filled. Job seekers must face the reality that this is no longer the case, and companies have options. Therefore, they must bring their A-game to stand out from the crowd. A good cover letter, for example, can help with that — so let’s brush up on those skills! Here are six tips that can help anyone to shine!

1. Be genuine. I know it does not sound so genuine, but let me explain. Recruiters are tired of getting cover letters that only focus on “Here is my application; when can we meet?” A good cover letter includes something that your resume does not. It can be anything, such as, to name a few, details about a relevant experience that is not on your resume because you gained it while volunteering, an article you read about the company’s latest results or a quote from their founder that meant a lot to you.

2. It is OK to brag. A good cover letter can help you get a meeting with the hiring manager, but only if something in it catches their interest. It is a good opportunity to mention a relevant, bombastic achievement that you are proud of, such as winning a sales contest or saving a significant amount of money for your firm. Feel free to use numbers and share some details, but make sure that you only disclose what you legally can.

3. Drop names. A cover letter is also a great opportunity to mention a friend or former colleague you have in common with the hiring manager. Try to include people who would vouch for you — and make sure you tell them that you have applied to a role with someone from their network.

4. Always review it. There is nothing more annoying than receiving a well-written cover letter with numerous grammatical or formatting issues. It is even more pathetic when the cover letter includes another firm’s or hiring manager’s name. Use the review function of your text editor software, or sign up for at least a free grammar checker program and find someone to read it before the submission. Nobody is perfect, but with all these tools, there is no excuse for being sloppy!

5. Try to send a handwritten copy. I know. It is 2024, and people barely write anything with a pen on a piece of paper anymore. But this is exactly the reason why you should do it! As a recruiter, I receive handwritten cover letters and thank you notes maybe once every couple of years. Because it is so unusual, I do remember all those candidates even years after they wrote to me. It is personable, unique and more importantly, memorable.

6. Call for action. At the end of the cover letter, you should ask for a meeting. Please make sure you do it politely but assertively. You don’t want to sound desperate by saying you have multiple opportunities lined up, so you suggest getting together fast. Just confirm your interest level and ask for the opportunity to speak with the hiring manager. Please make sure you include your contact information!

These are just some basic suggestions for those who want to take their job search to the next level. Some recruiters don’t read cover letters at all, but when they do, you have a real chance to have your resume at the top of their piles!