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Illinois’ June unemployment rate rises as state adds 10,400 jobs



Illinois’ June unemployment rate rises as state adds 10,400 jobs

The Illinois unemployment rate rose in June while jobs increased, according to the Illinois Department of Employment Security.  CREDIT IDES

Illinois’ unemployment rate inched up to 5% in June while over the month the state added 10,400 jobs, according to the June report by the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) compiled using U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data.

The state’s May revised unemployment rate was 4.9%, which is unchanged from the preliminary May unemployment rate, IDES said in the June preliminary report released last week. The number of jobs added was reduced, however, from 12,700 to 9,600. 

The June unemployment rate and payroll jobs estimate reflects activity for the week including the 12th.

According to IDES, the industry sectors with the largest over-the-month job gains in June included: Private Education and Health Services, +7,100; Trade, Transportation, and Utilities, +3,200; and government, +2,800. The industry sectors with monthly payroll job declines included: Leisure and Hospitality, -1,800; Information, -1,100; and Professional and Business Services, -1,000.

“Stable payroll job growth remains a positive component of the Illinois economy, further encouraging and stimulating participation in the state’s labor force,” Illinois Deputy Gov. Andy Manar said in the IDES news release. “As jobs continue to expand, creating new and diverse career opportunities, IDES stands ready to assist workers and employers with the necessary assistance to jump into the workforce.”

Kristin Richards, director of the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, added “Illinois’ labor market remains strong with consistent growth in payroll jobs. DCEO will continue to provide its world-class workforce, employers and job seekers with the tools and resources needed to contribute to the state’s growing economy.” 

Jobless rate higher than U.S.

The Illinois unemployment rate was 0.9 percentage point higher than the national unemployment rate reported for June, IDES said. The national unemployment rate was 4.1% in June, up 0.1 percentage point from the previous month. The Illinois unemployment rate was up 0.7 percentage point from a year ago when it was 4.3%.

Compared to a year ago, total nonfarm payroll jobs increased by 24,200 jobs. 

Industry groups with the largest job increases included: Private Education and Health Services, +26,400; Government, +26,400; and Other Services, +8,500. The industry groups with the largest job decreases included: Professional and Business Services, 27,000; Financial Activities, -7,500; and Information, -5,300. In June, total nonfarm payrolls were up 0.4% over-the-year in Illinois and up 1.7% in the nation.

The number of unemployed Illinois workers was 327,900, up 3.3% from the prior month, and up 18.7% over the same month one year ago. The labor force was up 0.1% over-the-month and up 1.4% over-the-year. 

The unemployment rate identifies those individuals who are out of work and seeking employment. An individual who exhausts or is ineligible for benefits is still reflected if they actively seek work.

IDES helps connect job seekers to employers who are hiring in a number of ways, including hosting and co-hosting job fairs and hiring events with statewide workforce partners, and through maintaining Illinois JobLink (IJL), the state’s largest job search engine. IJL is a tool used by jobseekers to look for work, and by employers who can post open and available positions.  Recently, IJL showed 58,973 posted resumes with 85,187 jobs available.

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