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Inside Business’ Power List 2024 features the talk of Hampton Roads and the change that’s coming



Inside Business’ Power List 2024 features the talk of Hampton Roads and the change that’s coming

Inside Business creates its annual Power List to showcase who’s who in terms of moving the needle for the economy in Hampton Roads, whether they be the decision-makers, the influencers or those working behind the scenes.

This year, we organized the Top 25 by types of influence or power rather than a numerical ranking. We then listed another 55 power players from various backgrounds and sectors. In researching movers and shakers, we looked at last year’s list and then looked at the newsmakers of the past year. We factored in major milestones or current events to determine who to highlight instead of creating a directory of anyone who’s held power over the years.

Longtime leaders who are a mainstay of the power circles in Hampton Roads are listed on the Emeritus List, though they can reappear in the main list if they get involved in endeavors that are significant and interesting to readers. As time marches on and new leaders emerge, the list will adapt and evolve along with business ventures, cultural movements, grassroots efforts and regional progress.

This past year, Hampton Roads lost significant leaders long-named on our Power List: John O. “Dubby” Wynne, a tireless advocate for the region and state who sought ways to increase collaboration in growing the local economy; U.S. District Court Judge Robert G. Doumar; and Pat Robertson, founder of Christian Broadcasting Network, Regent University and Operation Blessing. Their legacy is evident across the region and in their relationships with longtime and emerging leaders of the region, including some of those on the Power List.

This year, the Power List summarizes what people in the region have been talking about. It showcases the clout of Hampton Roads lawmakers and those building new industries with offshore wind and the new casino in Portsmouth. It shows how one developer built momentum for downtown Newport News redevelopment and how the energy of a young mayor there is working to shape that city for the next generation.

The list highlights a key player for Amazon in the region who is also working to expand access to computer science education. It shows how the director of Jefferson Lab played a role in landing what U.S. Sen. Mark Warner called “the single biggest technology investment in Hampton Roads ever.” We show how an environmental advocate created communitywide buy-in from industry and residents in restoring the Elizabeth River and how the Norfolk Admirals’ owner is not only empowering the team’s performance but how he helped strengthen regional hockey culture by advancing junior league play.

In this list, we show how one builder is doing his part to add affordable housing at a time of crisis. And a look at the CEO of Operation Smile reminds us of the importance of helping thousands of children smile.

In reading the profiles on this list, it’s hard not to feel inspired or proud of having such talent and passion in the region. It shows us how capable the people in this region are and that we, too, can achieve great things if we get involved, take risks and pursue big ideas.

The lists are compiled from information that’s publicly available, including public documents and website biographies, in addition to information given to Inside Business or reported in the Daily Press or The Virginian-Pilot. Special thanks to staff writer Trevor Metcalfe for helping to compile the Top 25 list.

We understand not everyone making a difference for our region is on this list, and we are open to learning more about who truly wields the power in Hampton Roads. Please email your suggestions to or

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