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Judy Steele: A test ahead for this writer



Judy Steele: A test ahead for this writer

So many things happening in the past few months and we just have to take a turn and bite the bullet and make it work. No choice — just do it.

I finally feel settled in with my new address and it is finally working very well for me and I am now excited and can actually breathe again — thank goodness.

I’m extremely anxious to get going full steam again but those days may be over for this old girl. I will just keep taking it a step at a time.

Have you ever planned the next day, but then when you woke up that morning you just want to do something entirely different? Oh yes! Your route has changed and you have steered off course drastically but it just takes a few maneuvers to get it back on course again.

But why get back on course when you might have been “blown a different direction” for a reason? So hang on tight and enjoy the ride. Sometimes we have a tendency to think too hard — follow it through and truly see what may happen.

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My main concern tonight is taking my driver’s exam at my age — I never did like tests but now it is even worse. Just lock me in a very quiet room somewhere and maybe, just maybe I will be able to concentrate and get through the technical stuff. I just hope I make it through it all and do not have to walk home.

Or I may have to call someone to come get me because I passed out! Oh brother, I am just an old sissy.

Seriously though, I will be glad when it is over and hopefully I passed.

I may tell you next week if I passed or maybe not — still debatable. The jury may still be out on that one.

I do not know where our summer is going but one thing for sure, we had better hurry a bit if we want to enjoy some of it with our families and especially grandkids and great-grandkids, too.

Head out to the lakes and favorite picnic or camping spots and enjoy the summertime we still have left. Enjoy every single moment we can squeeze in and remind us that every fun moment counts.

Sometimes we have to have a hard reminder to just get through some days in our world — and then we need to slow down and listen to our hearts.

Please take time out for each other because we do not know what is ahead of us. And I do need to be reminded I guess.

Say a soft or kind word to the sales lady, or maybe just a smile will do.

Give out a hug to someone who may really need that moment or even just a smile will be a boost for someone today. Please send a reminder or even a quick “Hello” and I am sure you will get one back.

It’s been a hard week for many so please pass a prayer on for them quietly.

Tough weeks makes us all take a moment out for thought and prayer — a quiet moment is very necessary at times. It is a much needed source of love.

Be careful out there and take extra care of yourself. And will see you next week.

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