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Leo season 2024 horoscopes: How your sign will be affected



Leo season 2024 horoscopes: How your sign will be affected

Leo season invites you to shine. It’s time to celebrate your amazingness. Leo season kicks off on July 22 and lasts until Aug. 22, bringing passion and enthusiasm to the middle month of summer.

Before heading into individual horoscopes, let’s look at what the month has in store.

Mercury enters Virgo on July 25, making communication clear and direct. However, its retrograde begins on Aug. 5 and ends on aug. 28, creating havoc in the way we express ourselves and travel.

The new moon in Leo and Venus’s movement into Virgo on Aug. 4 urges us to attain our goals with a practical approach. The Aquarius super blue moon on Aug 19 awakens our visions and pushes us towards enlightenment. The caveat is that Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn retrograde in Pisces square off that day, making us question if we can manifest our desires. The answer is “yes,” we just have to keep the faith and have a positive attitude.


Leo season is making you more romantic than ever, as it’s awakening the creative energy within you. Do something bold and daring to embrace the fiery vibes and excitement you’re feeling. You may even find inspiration for your next artistic venture through the refreshing and intoxicating activities of weeks ahead.


Commit to spending more time with your brood or redecorating your home. Both need your complete attention now, which means you should show your family and dwelling extra TLC. No matter what you decide to do, extend them kindness and you’ll be given the same sentiment back — plus more adoration. 


Communication might be challenging throughout the month, leading to arguments and confusion. Before responding to someone, take a minute to choose your words wisely. Doing this can help deflect the drama and prevent arguments from happening. Don’t be reactive in a text or email before calming down and centering yourself. 


Your confidence is beaming and your ego is growing. You can be self-assured without having the bravado and arrogance others have. Remember to humble brag about your accomplishments and keep believing in all that you do. You just have to maintain a healthy attitude about your wins.


Your solar return is giving you the opportunity to reflect upon the past to see where you’re going. Allow yourself the chance to understand the direction you wish to take as you continue to pursue greatness on your terms only. This leads to self-discovery and a love affair with yourself. 


If you’ve been looking for an excuse to go on a mini adventure of your own, start planning your vacation. Heading out of town and seeing new places will motivate you to travel more in the upcoming months. More importantly, you’ll be getting out of your comfort zone and being active.


Being the social butterfly that you are, it’ll be nice to unite with friends that you haven’t seen in a while. Not only will you be able to catch up, but you’ll want to do more with your buddies in the future. It’s a jumpstart to restructuring your peer groups. 


If you are up for a new position at work or due for a promotion, now is the time to throw your hat in the ring. You may be surprised by the amount of opportunities that await you and the level of backing your boss is offering to support you.


Your free spirit is ready and willing to climb every mountain. Just make sure that you are careful in managing your thrill-seeking endeavors with work because you might forget about your personal obligations and responsibilities. Be cognizant of your time to ensure you get your work done before venturing out.


Expect to feel all the feelings you’ve been repressing all at once in the next several weeks. You’ve been holding in a lot of your emotions, which means it’s time to let them loose. It’ll be refreshing to release the energy and feel like a huge weight has been lifted.


You might decide to collaborate with your partner or crush on an ongoing project. Working together on a joint activity will bring you closer, as your shared interests are building a bridge and heighten the bond between you. The couple that plays together, stays together. And, so will you two!


Organize your life in order to prepare for the frenetic energy coming your way. You might find that having a set schedule allows you to be more productive and get work done easily. This will also bring calmness and balance into your daily rituals to make your routines more efficient. 

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