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Leo Weekly Horoscope



Leo Weekly Horoscope

WEEK OF May 13 – 19, 2024

Ascend to the throne, Leo! A cosmic coronation party is happening in your honor this week as five planets strut through Taurus and your tenth house of leadership, status and public achievements. Here are a few titles you might want to try on for size this Monday, May 13: Thought leader, pioneering innovator, industry disruptor. As your galactic guardian, the illuminating Sun, makes an exact conjunction (cazimi) with innovative Uranus, you’re clear to make a different sort of name for yourself.

This is a yearly event, but from 2018 to 2025, it’s happening in grounded Taurus and your goal-getting tenth house. Here’s where things may feel a tad misaligned: Taurus energy is slow and steady; Uranus heralds sudden, unpredictable transformations. A big deal opportunity could come in from out of the blue. For example, you could get a call or DM from someone you contacted months ago about a gig, or a lead about an incredible-sounding offer that “magically” lands in your Inbox. Perhaps the execs at your job acknowledge your talents and tap you for a prime leadership role. With the side-spinning planet at the helm, things can happen super-fast, so stay alert.

And remember, Leo: Don’t leave your compassion behind when you rise through the ranks. Your sign rules the heart center, so don’t ignore it; amplify it! That goes double on Saturday, when love planet Venus, also in Taurus, connects to eccentric, experimental Uranus. During this one-day transit, you might feel as if you have the (very out-of-character) ability to detach from your feelings. All fun and games until 24-48 hours later, you come back to your senses…and your sensitivities. Knowing this, you should give yourself permission to be playful, but avoid starting fires you don’t know how to put out.

On Wednesday, quick-witted Mercury joins the Taurus party, lending its buzzy energy to your ambitious tenth house until June 3. This could feel like a bit of a record scratch after hosting Mercury in Aries and your free-spirited ninth house for a prolonged two months. It’s time to pilot your blue-sky philosophical musings onto a more productive flight path. For the coming few weeks, regard each conversation as a potential partnership-starter and every interaction as a potential business deal. Follow your intuition more than the “rational” signs, and if you get a sense that something might be percolating, explore it further by asking a lot of leading questions. Prepare yourself by crafting a concise and alluring elevator pitch—basically, your personal mission statement in three sentences or less. Pro tip: Focus on what’s in it for other people.

Whatever goals you have in your crosshairs, you could soar to new heights on Saturday when the confidence-boosting Sun and abundant Jupiter hold their yearly merger, this year in Taurus and your tenth house of success. This annual event has been dubbed “The Day of Miracles” thanks to the positive power of this planetary pairing, and it hasn’t touched this VIP wing of your chart in over a decade. Providing for your realm is always top of mind for Leo, but when it’s time to take a calculated risk, you’re not afraid to leap. As the week winds down, a worthwhile venture could be presented, one that comes with a measure of uncertainty. Do your due diligence, of course, but don’t let a great opportunity pass you by. At work, you may be vaulted into a position of advanced leadership. If you see room for improvement within an organization that you’re a part of, speak up. Your commitment to greatness will peg you as an influencer—and important eyes will be on you!

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