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Libra, October 2024: Monthly Horoscope



Libra, October 2024: Monthly Horoscope

For empathetic, romantic, and creative Libra: what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout October.

Your month is certainly starting with a bang. Three potent celestial events take place under your sign on October 2. They include a solar eclipse, a new Moon, and a conjunction between Makemake and Mercury. First, we’ll start with the solar eclipse. The visible eclipse will only be seen by a relatively small group of stargazers. But this significant cosmic event will be felt in hearts and minds worldwide. As the Sun’s ego-driven spirit is overshadowed by the Moon’s shadowy emotional side, the eclipse ushers in rebirth and fresh starts.

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The New Moon will increase these feelings of transformation and evolution, calling you to reflect and lean into your instincts. This will be especially helpful under the influence of the Mercury-Makemake conjunction, which energizes our communicative and activist spirit. Paired with the solar eclipse, all celestial signs point to a transformation that will better serve not only your relationships with others and your community but also your self-esteem. Use the first couple of days in October to consider your priorities seriously. Don’t focus on what you think you should. Follow your heart, and see where that leads you.

It’s important to note that your ruling planet, Venus, will be flying through Scorpio throughout most of October. During this time, you might feel more inclined to guard your heart by putting up walls to keep others out. Indeed, this would be a transformation for someone as typically open-hearted and empathetic as you, Libra. But this isn’t necessarily the evolution that the stars were calling for with the aforementioned solar eclipse. Indeed, sometimes, it’s precisely the moment we feel the urge to close ourselves off that we need to open ourselves up further. By prodding our emotional soft spots a bit, we can firm them up and become stronger.

This, of course, can be an extremely difficult process. But luckily, you have celestial good fortune coming your way on October 4. On this day, Venus forms a harmonious trine with Saturn retrograde under Pisces. The ringed retrograde planet has been emphasizing the need to face difficult conversations, whether literal or rhetorical. Questions of spirituality and ideology will arise, particularly in the context of how these beliefs tie into matters of the heart or wallet, as represented by Venus. The positive nature of the trine aspect indicates prosperity despite any difficulties Saturn, infamously the disciplinarian of the cosmos, brings to your attention.

This trine is shortly followed by another on October 8, when Venus and Mars lock into the same alignment. Mars in Cancer can lead to increased sensitivity. This has the potential to manifest in positive ways, like fiery passion or emotional responsibility, or negative ways, like tense interpersonal conflicts or self-pitying behavior. Based on the trine it holds with Venus, the stars seem to suggest you’ll enjoy the brighter sides of Mars’ Cancer placement. Lean into your passions on this day, whether romantic, platonic, professional, or recreational. This will be a particularly effective day to take these interests and endeavors to the next level.

By the middle of the month, the changes brought about by the earlier solar eclipse will begin to settle in. The novelty of this transition can often mask some of the longer-lasting effects. And indeed, some of these might seem negative at first. As Venus and Uranus standoff in a tense opposition under Scorpio and Taurus, respectively, the stars will challenge your willingness to adapt fully.

Long-term acclimation requires multiple trips back to the same point of discomfort that caused you to feel uneasy in the first place. If the transformation is meant to be, this process will help solidify your new perspective and strengthen your resolve within it. If it isn’t, then these visits can help offer a way out and find a new outlook. But be careful, Libra: no metamorphosis occurs without a bit of discomfort. You’ll start the whole process over again if you decide to turn back.

Two days after Venus and Uranus’ opposition, your ruling planet forms a positive trine with Neptune retrograde on October 16. As Neptune retrograde calls you to lean into your dreams and fantasies, it also offers a subtle reminder to check for rose-colored perspectives every now and then. Neptune retrograde is a time to exercise not letting your feelings get in the way of your mind and spirit. The trine between this planet and Venus indicates you’ll catch onto this lesson quickly. Be wary of making any major romantic or financial decisions during this time. The stars indicate it might be better to wait when you have more straightforward cosmic influences working in your favor. Neptune can be a bit of a deceiver.

Just before Venus crosses over into fiery, go-getter Sagittarius, a powerful opposition between the full Moon and Makemake occurs under Aries and your sign. Makemake urges you to revisit the revelations it brought up in the first few days of the month. Emotions will be at an all-time high thanks to the full Moon. The day of this opposition, October 16, will be especially helpful for determining what behaviors, pursuits, and relationships feed your soul, not deplete it.

Subsequent celestial alignments suggest this opposition will bring about tension and conflict. Sagittarius tends to be a bit hot-headed for an air sign like you, Libra. This puts you at odds with your principles and desire to please others. Around this time, Venus will revisit Saturn retrograde—this time, in a square that locks into place on October 28. It’s time to start putting these life lessons to good use, Libra. Standing by your values and pursuing a path that aligns with your goals requires letting go of some things (or people) that no longer benefit your efforts. A waning crescent Moon under your sign on October 29 will help motivate you to make the changes the stars have laid out before you.

Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Libra! See you next month.

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