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Local representation, jobs, traffic & more: McOsker hits top harbor-area issues in State of District



Local representation, jobs, traffic & more: McOsker hits top harbor-area issues in State of District

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An estimated 300 people crowded into the Dalmatian-American Club in San Pedro to hear what is an annual community draw: the State of the District speech, now featuring Los Angeles City Councilmember Tim McOsker for the second consecutive year since his election.

McOsker, who represents the District 15 communities of Harbor City, Harbor Gateway, San Pedro, Watts and Wilmington, continued his crusade to require at least two port-area residents serve as appointees to the Board of Harbor Commissioners and tackled an array of other local concerns.

Among McOsker’s announcements:

  • Safety: “I am working with Rec and Parks and the Bureau of Engineering to open the gates to Sunken City and make improvements to the pathways. We can bring better safety and security to the surrounding area by opening it up to all, and removing that allure of what today is a forbidden place that attracts many who disrespect the neighborhood and the natural beauty of our coastline.” Sunken City is what remains of a neighborhood that collapsed in 1929 at the southern end of San Pedro overlooking the ocean.
  • Environment: “Coming down the pipeline will be the proposed regulations from the AQMD, sometimes called the ‘Indirect Source Rule.’ While it is intended to reduce emissions, in its most recent iteration the proposed rule had the potential to threaten jobs, disrupt the local and national economy, and certainly would have increased greenhouse gas emissions nationwide by diverting cargo to ports that do not submit to the more stringent regulations of the San Pedro Bay Complex. … We cannot accept the false choice between jobs and the environment. We can, and must, protect both.” The proposed rule is still being crafted and has not been released.
  • Traffic: “With the impending closure (of the Vincent Thomas Bridge), congestion along many Harbor Area streets will worsen. Remember the 2011 ‘Carmageddon’ scare for the 405 Sunset off-ramp closure? This has the potential to be much worse — a ‘Harbor-geddon.’ ” He asked for support in demanding that damaged streets be repaired before work begins and to fix them if damaged afterward when the project and detours are done. “I will need your support on all that.”

The nearly hour-long talk also urged Los Angeles City residents to support Charter Amendment HHH on the November ballot that, in part, would modify the composition of the five-member Board of Harbor Commissioners to mandate at least two local members, one from San Pedro and one from Wilmington.

“As the Port of Los Angeles continues to grow and evolve, having local voices on the Harbor Commission will be critical for navigating future challenges, like the ever-lingering threat of automation — or current and future opportunities, like the implementation of the Public Access and Infrastructure Plan” providing port funds for community plans such as the waterfront redevelopment projects.

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