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Luis de Javier Has Attention and Support—Can He Have a Business?



Luis de Javier Has Attention and Support—Can He Have a Business?

De Javier spent time in Barcelona last summer, where he’s since relocated (“London was too expensive, and I don’t need to be there to prove anything to anyone”). Irony of ironies, his mother is an economics professor, and made his business a case study for one of her workshops; he was learning from the students, not the other way around. “I needed to start thinking business in order to make this work,” he said. Following his Los Angeles show, he reconnected with Emcee: “I wanted to change the way Fashion Week works for me and my audience, and find a way to deliver a collection for them with the right backing.”

The conversations led to what is, as of now, a temporary partnership. De Javier will drop four capsules available exclusively on Emcee over the next couple of months, the first one launching today. As de Javier describes it, the product is a more commercial take on his runway collections, which are often more concept-driven and theatrical. The April drop is decisively street, with hoodies, shorts, t-shirts, and de Javier’s first handbag. The following drop in June will be timed for LGBTQ+ Pride celebrations, and include items like jockstraps. In July comes a ready-to-wear focused capsule featuring going-out dresses which build up to dressier styles for September, which will coincide with de Javier’s next runway show. He plans to stage it during Paris Fashion Week.

“I have a kind of fire in me,” said de Javier. “Every time I’m about to give up life will throw me something else that would keep me going.” He has the attention, the support, and now a way to reach his audience with products they can actually buy. De Javier started a fire—it’s up to him to keep it going.

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