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Marisa Rose Marketing, LLC | Long Island Business News



Marisa Rose Marketing, LLC | Long Island Business News

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Marisa Rose Marketing, LLCMarisa Rose Marketing, LLC | Long Island Business News

Marisa Rose Marketing is a boutique firm offering a full range of marketing services. Established four years ago, the 100% women-owned business is led by President and Chief Executive Officer Marisa Morgillo and has four part-time employees.

Prior to establishing her marketing firm, Morgillo spent more than a decade working for various Long Island firms in traditionally male-dominated fields like construction, boating and engineering. “I passionately enjoyed each of these industries, which ultimately has led to the success of my firm today,” she said. “I’m incredibly proud of running my firm, and beyond grateful for all of the strong business owners/leaders I had the opportunity to learn from.”

Owning a business of any type is challenging, Morgillo said. “Challenges have shaped me, made me more confident and allowed me to pivot in directions that were better for my business,” she said.

Recently, Morgillo worked with a client who wanted to open an Amazon store and begin selling his product to residential clients. (An Amazon store is a branded shopping space on that allows businesses to showcase and sell products.) Knowing this would not be the easiest of tasks since the company was geared for commercial business, the Marisa Rose Marketing team built a custom ecommerce website and Amazon store, as well as full shopping capability on social media platforms. “Sales have been doing phenomenal for my client, and this type of success brings me great joy,” Morgillo said.


This profile is part of LIBN’s In The Lead : Women Owned Businesses list. Information used in this profile was sourced from the honoree.

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