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‘Marvel Fitness Deck’ brings fun to fitness



‘Marvel Fitness Deck’ brings fun to fitness

Marvel is no stranger to fitness options, and this week, people of all ages can get in on a workout in card format via Marvel Fitness Deck. For those who like to mix it up for their workouts, this deck has fifty different workouts to try, complete with helpful drawings of your favorite heroes doing the exercises!

When you open this book, you’ll first note the very well-made box in which the cards come. It’s a heavy-duty cardboard with a handy flat to open and choose a card easily. At the front of the deck is a well-written guide to walk you through how you might use the deck. From the very start, you’ll notice that anyone from young to old can use this deck with ease.

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The cards themselves are broken up into different sequences:

  • Flexibility & Mobility
  • Aerobic
  • Upper Body
  • Lower Body
  • Core

Once you know which cards to do first, it’s easy to simply pull a random card, do that activity, and then move on to another card. Or you can thumb through the cards and build a workout. It’s a fun way to figure out what your workout will be.

The workouts are all-body workouts without weights or equipment. That means literally anyone can do any of them at any time. Wanna do a Dazzler Disco Star Jump while waiting for your plane? Have at it! Want to try out She-Hulk’s Judicial Jumps while waiting in line at the grocery store? Go nuts.

Courtesy Chronicle Books

The instructions indicate you should do three sets of ten with 30 seconds of rest. It’s fairly wide open if you want to augment as you see fit. Given the variety of people playing with this deck, it’s smart not to indicate exactly how many reps or sets someone should do.

Each card features a superhero in two images doing the actual workout. Underneath, it shows the benefits of that workout and the workout type, which is also indicated by the card’s color. The art on the cards is classic looking, with good detail and a nice variety of costumes. Many costumes are classics, but the deck also has some modern looks. Surprisingly, there are no villains, but maybe a villains deck is coming if this sells well enough.

Consider checking the Marvel Fitness Deck if you feel burned out on a boring workout routine. There are many workouts, with some classic-looking Marvel art to enjoy along the way. Heck, you could even turn your workout into an adventure if you pick the right heroes to join you.

'Marvel Fitness Deck' brings fun to fitness

‘Marvel Fitness Deck’ brings fun to fitness

Marvel Fitness Deck

Consider checking the Marvel Fitness Deck if you’re feeling burned out on a boring workout routine. There are many workouts to choose from, with some classic-looking Marvel art to enjoy along the way. Heck, you could even turn your workout into an adventure if you pick the right heroes to join you. 

Pretty much anyone can do these workouts since there’s no equipment needed

Nice art brings the fun into fitness

A lot of these workouts are very basic, so if you’re experienced it may be a little too easy

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