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Maryland Congressman Steny Hoyer Statement on April 2024 Jobs Report



Maryland Congressman Steny Hoyer Statement on April 2024 Jobs Report

Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement on the April jobs report:

“This morning’s job report once again proves that the American economy continues to be the envy of the world. Under President Biden’s leadership, we have added a historic 15.4 million jobs – including 175,000 in April alone – and seen 39 months of consecutive job growth, a record 17 million Americans applying to start small businesses, and increases in real wages. Additionally, the unemployment rate continues to stay historically low, under 4% for more than two years.

“Our American economy is the envy of the world because Democrats have invested in and prioritized building an economy from the middle out and bottom up. It’s no coincidence that we are seeing millions of manufacturing, infrastructure, construction, science, research, and other jobs added to our economy.

Last Congress, Democrats laid the foundation for the American economy to not only recover from the pandemic but to comeback stronger than ever before. The strong jobs numbers we see each month demonstrate how the laws we passed and the investments we made during the 117th Congress are creating new opportunities in every community across the country.

“If we want the American economy to remain the greatest in the world, it is crucial that we uphold democracy both here at home and around the world. Vladimir Putin’s criminal invasion of Ukraine more than two years ago sent shockwaves throughout the global economy, raising the cost of everything from gas to food.

Last month, I was proud to help secure vital supplemental aid for our Ukrainian allies in their effort to repel the Russian invaders. Autocratic regimes often stifle economic growth and threaten freedom and democracy. As Democrats continue to build an economy that works for all people, Americans must continue to prioritize – and not take for granted – our democracy at a time when it has never been more fragile.”

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