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Matt Hardy gifted TNA world title shot for Against All Odds PPV



Ever since Matt Hardy returned to TNA, all signs pointed to him eventually receiving a world title shot. Now we know the how and when as it played out on Thursday’s episode of Impact (May 23, 2024). Hardy was gifted a match against Moose for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Against All Odds on June 14.

Broken Matt’s evening began with tag team action. He was joined by Ryan Nemeth to wrestle current TNA tag team champions Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards. Nemeth started strong, then Alisha Edwards trifled with a distraction for her men to take control. That led to a hot tag for Hardy running wild. The System rebounded to set up their teamwork finisher, but they couldn’t pull the trigger. Hardy slipped out the back of Edwards’ backpack stunner and shoved him into the corner knocking Myers off the turnbuckles. Hardy planted Edwards on a Twist of Fate. Nemeth took to the air for a flying crossbody to pin Myers.

Afterward, the System attacked their opponents. Moose ran in to spear Hardy twice. The bad guys set up Nemeth to damage his neck with a chair. That’s when Nic Nemeth returned to the Impact Zone for the surprise save. Nic cleared the ring to help his brother.

Backstage, the heroes chatted with Director of Authority Santino Marella. As is custom in TNA, pinning champions often earns a title shot. Santino was ready to grant a tag team championship match for Hardy and Ryan, however, Broken Matt had a different request. His goal since returning has been to procure the world title from Moose. Santino mulled it over and gifted that opportunity to Hardy for Against All Odds. Ryan needed a tag partner, so Nic stepped in. Hardy supported the Nemeth Boyz with a Z, and Santino made that title bout official as well. Nic warned Hardy that he’ll be coming for the world title in the future. The scene closed with Broken Matt bellowing long and deep as the others awkwardly waited for him to finish.

Here is the current lineup for Against All Odds on June 14 at Cicero Stadium in Chicago, IL:

  • TNA World Championship: Moose (c) vs. Matt Hardy
  • TNA World Tag Team Championship: The System (c) vs. Nemeth Boyz
  • X-Division Championship: Mustafa Ali (c) vs. Trent Seven

That third title bout was sanctioned after Seven won the #1 contender match over Mike Bailey. Ali was watching ringside, and Speedball unintentionally kicked him in the face. When Ali went for his revenge, chaos ensued. Everyone’s focus was occupied on Ali, and they all completely missed Champagne Singh shove Bailey off the turnbuckles. Seven was unaware of what happened, and he capitalized for a Burning Hammer to win.

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