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Meet The Staff: IndyStar Sports Editor Nat Newell



Meet The Staff: IndyStar Sports Editor Nat Newell

It takes a dedicated staff of journalists to bring you the news from around Central Indiana. In this new feature, the Indianapolis Star is introducing readers to our journalists — or, rather, letting our journalists introduce themselves. Up this week is Nat Newell.

What’s your job title?

Sports editor

When did you join IndyStar?

October 2023

What’s your favorite part of your job?

Figuring out how to provide stories — whether it be topics or formats — people want to read with an incredibly talent group of people. I have always enjoyed solving problems and this job provides that opportunity. 

Why journalism?

Couldn’t hit a good fastball. 

What’s your favorite Indy area restaurant or hidden gem?

I’m a terrible eater so it would foolish to answer this question. 

What do you do to unwind from a job that can be stressful?

Spend time with my kids when they let me, play Vintage Base Ball, workout, read.

What’s your favorite quote?

I have two.

Hugh Keough used to say: “The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; but that is the way to bet.”

John Maynard Keynes is credited with saying: “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?” 

What song do you shamelessly jam out to in the car and why?  

“Shake It Off.” How could you not?

Do you prefer dogs or cats?

Cats. Got to earn it with a cat. Treat a cat right, and they’ll love you, but they’re also not afraid to remind you that you can do better. 

What’s something people would be surprised to learn about you?  

I sew (though it’s been awhile). When you make a pair of shorts, you cut out two pieces of fabric that look nothing like a pair of shorts. But with two seams, you turn them right side out, and you have a pair of shorts. It’s like journalism. You take some facts, some quotes and your own thoughts, and you can share something new with people. 

What are you reading or streaming? 

I am usually reading some kind of detective series (just caught up with Lucas Davenport, trying to find another one I can get into) and some kind of sports book, alternating based on my mood. 

How did you earn your first dollar?

Delivering newspapers.

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