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Money lessons revisited as those summer job paychecks roll in



Money lessons revisited as those summer job paychecks roll in

PORTLAND (WGME) — Tis the season for summer jobs and many first-time jobs for kids.

In this Raising Me podcast episode, we reflect on some of the key takeaways from our Money Mindset series, from teaching our kids about money to what allowance should look like and even understanding that we don’t have to be a financial expert to have a lot to offer our children when it comes to money lessons.

Listen to A Few Money Lessons Learned:

About the guest:

Mary is the Financial Education Program Manager at the Finance Authority of Maine, also known as FAME. Mary has served as President of the Maine Jumpstart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy. She’s also navigated these same challenges with her two boys.

Full Money Mindset Series:

Money Mindset:

Money Mindset: Allowance Answers:

Money Mindset: Teaching Kids about Money:

Follow Raising Me wherever you get podcasts.

Additional Resources:

Resources to Grow Your Student’s or Child’s Financial Wellness

Claim Your Future

Invest in ME Reads

Online Financial Wellness from FAME

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Building Blocks for Youth Financial Capability

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