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National Small Business Week: Celebrating Bristol’s entrepreneurial spirit



National Small Business Week: Celebrating Bristol’s entrepreneurial spirit

This week is National Small Business Week — celebrating the critical contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small business owners.

“Small businesses are the backbone of our community,” said Karen Hester, owner of The Southern Churn and Cranberry Lane in downtown Bristol. “They are the stores, that when somebody comes to town, that’s the first place you want to bring them to show off.”

It’s those unique shops and restaurants that keep towns like Bristol buzzing. Money spent in those stores, stays local, resulting in a trickle down effect for the economy.

Karen Hester has been a small business owner in downtown Bristol for decades — with Cranberry Lane in business for more than 20 years, and The Southern Churn, celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. She says this wouldn’t be possible without the support of customers.

“The support of our patrons is what keeps us in business — the support of our patrons, the folks that travel and come to see us, it’s critically important and we cherish each and every one of those customers,” said Hester. “We like to put smiles on the folks faces every single day.”

With the Bristol Chamber of Commerce stressing the importance of customers spending their money.

“The cash register ringing is what keeps them in business,” said Beth Rhinehart, president & CEO, Bristol Chamber of Commerce. “Those first five years are the toughest for a new business start up.”

News 5 asked: What are some of the different challenges that small business owners may be faced with?

“I think it’s a lot of things,” answered Rhinehart. “It’s big picture things like inflation and the economy overall — it’s also just are we having the products here that people are drawn to.”

“You never know the struggles of a small business owner,” added Hester. “It’s a lot — you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, you are carrying the weight for all your employees — we have to struggle to meet payroll every week, we struggle to pay the bills, we struggle to do those kinds of things — but it’s the reward at the end by making those customers happy. The challenges of owning a small business is finding the right employees, finding employees that make a prefect fit — it’s like a family.”

And Hester with this advice for those looking at the idea of starting their own small business.

“Anybody today can go out and start their own business and I encourage people, if you have that desire to do that — to do that,” said Hester. “Be prepared to strap on your boots and be prepared to work hard everyday.”

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