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New GTA Online Update Has Red Dead Redemption 2 Easter Egg – RockstarINTEL



New GTA Online Update Has Red Dead Redemption 2 Easter Egg – RockstarINTEL

GTA Online’s latest DLC, Bottom Dollar Bounties, features a small but nice Easter egg for Rockstar Games’ western series Red Dead Redemption. Rockstar Games have connected the two game franchises before in a few ways and this is a fun addition to the list.

The Bottom Dollar Bounties introduced a new business and property to own in GTA Online: the Bail Office. Inside one of the purchasable locations, a computer can be found to access the bounty hunting system. This is how players select bounties to hunt down and view their reward.

Credit: @videotechuk_

Eagle-eyed Red Dead Redemption 2 fans noticed that the wallpaper on this iFruit computer is a screenshot taken in Red Dead Redemption 2. It appears to have been taken in Beaver Hollow. The actual screenshot has been extracted by community member @PLTytus so you can view it properly below. Click on either of the images to view them at full resolution.

GTA 6 or Red Dead 2?

Some fans firstly speculated this is from GTA 6. However, based on the environment, it is Red Dead Redemption 2. Also, this is not the first time Rockstar Games have used a screenshot taken in Red Dead Redemption 2 as a background for a GTA Online business. For example, they took a photo in Big Valley and used it as the wallpaper on your computer found in the Agency properties.

Bail Office Awards

Another fun part of the Bail Office are the awards that appear in the property upon achieving various criteria. Twitter user @Lucas7yoshi_RS states the Plaque should be unlocked by completing 10 bounties, the Shield may take 100 completed bounties, and the Cuffs get given after all 24 unique bounties have been captured alive.

Bottom Dollar Bounties is the big content drop for the summer in GTA Online. If you’d like to find out everything that’s available in-game right now visit our article going through the content here. There’s also a ton of content that will be launching over the next few weeks and months which we’ve covered here.

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