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No, not push-ups — strength coach shares the benefits of overhead triceps extension and to how master the correct form



No, not push-ups — strength coach shares the benefits of overhead triceps extension and to how master the correct form

Exercises like push-ups (especially diamond push-ups) and tricep kickbacks are popular for targeting the triceps, but the overhead triceps extension is one exercise you shouldn’t overlook. This exercise stretches and strengthens the entire tricep muscle through a full range of motion, hitting areas other exercises can miss.

You can use a dumbbell or a weight plate to perform the move. As with any exercise that involves weight, start with a lighter weight to focus on your form, and gradually increase it as you get stronger. If you’re in a gym, you can easily adjust to heavier weights, while at home, one of the best adjustable dumbbells will let you change the weight to match your progress.

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