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November Horoscope: The 8 Signs Releasing Limiting Beliefs & Baggage



November Horoscope: The 8 Signs Releasing Limiting Beliefs & Baggage

The start of a new month always feels like a long-awaited reset point, doesn’t it? Clearing out those pesky outstanding bills, paying rent, and tearing away another page of the calendar—it all comes with a subtle invitation to shake off the last 30-ish days and buckle down for the next. And honey, November is no different!

We kick things off in style with a New Moon in Scorpio on the first of the month. I just adore when the stars align (literally!) and give us a cosmic reset to match our calendar. New Moons are that little sparkle of hope, whispering, “Hey, something new is waiting just over the horizon.” Perfect for manifesting and setting those juicy intentions. Now, how do we do this Scorpio-style? Scorpio is the sign of intimacy, so the challenge is all about deepening our connections—with ourselves and with the ones we hold close. Lead with emotional depth and raw honesty, and you’ll be living in true Scorpio spirit. But darling, you’ve got to feel cozy with yourself first, before you can cozy up with someone else. As the ever-wise RuPaul says, “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody else?” Can I get an amen?

Then, on November 2, Mercury shakes things up by moving into Sagittarius. Now, Mercury is going to linger in Sagittarius a little longer than usual this time around, because—brace yourselves—Mercury Retrograde is coming. I can already hear the collective groans, but don’t worry too much! This transit actually makes perfect sense as we start winding down 2024.

Mercury in Sagittarius is like setting your mind free on an adventure. It’s full of wild curiosity, where wisdom and inspiration come from the most unexpected places. However, this Sag energy might feel a bit scattered as the month goes on—especially once we enter the Mercury Rx shadow period on the 7th, and then the full retrograde hits on the 25th. Sagittarius transits can get messy, but remember: the high road of Sagittarius knows that mistakes aren’t the end of the world. They’re just learning opportunities wrapped in chaos! So, take the lesson and move on.

It’s not just Mercury keeping us on our toes this month—Mars is ready to stir the pot, too. On November 3, Mars moves into Leo, setting the stage for a bold, fiery energy that’ll carry us into December when Mars stations retrograde. Now, Mars is that action-packed planet that thrives on momentum, and when it’s in Leo, it’s like getting a cosmic green light to go after what you really want. Your motivations might shift toward serving your creativity and passions, and Mars in Leo is all about that dramatic flair. But with the retrograde looming, the real task is to find balance—chasing your desires without bulldozing the people around you.

So, spend most of November reflecting on what’s driving you to push harder. What’s lighting your fire? The key is to make sure your decisions prioritize your well-being. It might sound a little selfish, but let’s be real—self-care is a non-negotiable part of the journey! Channel your inner rock star, hit the dance floor, have fun, and own your space in the spotlight. You deserve to shine, babe!

As we hit the middle of the month, things start to stabilize a bit, thanks to some much-needed earthy energy. On November 11, Venus makes her grand entrance into Capricorn—serving us girl boss, slay queen, full-on Naomi Campbell realness. Venus is all about creativity, beauty, and connection, and when she’s in Capricorn, she’s not here to mess around. She’s ready to take charge of the Venusian vibes and turn them into something practical and long-lasting.

Are you waiting for permission to create? Do you hesitate to double-text your crush? Well, with Venus in Capricorn, it’s time to reclaim your power. Capricorn rules sovereignty and authority, so the mission here is to take back control—whether that’s in your relationships, your creative projects, or your overall approach to life. Hold yourself accountable and make sure everything you do aligns with your higher purpose. Venus in Capricorn is all about building something beautiful, sustainable, and undeniably you.

Immediately following Venus in Capricorn, the big boss Saturn finally finishes his long retrograde—thank goodness at least one planet is holding us up, right? Since June 29, Saturn has been urging us to make necessary realignments. Saturn is like everyone’s tough-loving teacher, and we’ve all been attending his Pisces masterclass. How have you grown in your spirituality and faith since then? What fears, anxieties, or mental blocks have become focal points for you to work through?

Saturn in Pisces teaches us to take responsibility for exploring the unknown while holding faith that things will work out, as long as we don’t let others push us around. It’s got a witchy, woo-woo vibe, but Saturn will ground you more the moment you trust your instincts to make decisions.

On the 15th, we get blessed by a Taurus Full Moon—how perfect is it that a tough transit ends on the day of a Full Moon? Full Moons are all about releasing and cleansing whatever baggage we’ve been carrying. While it may not feel like the picturesque outdoor rain shower you’re envisioning, you’ll at least know what needs to be scrubbed off. With the Full Moon in Taurus, the focus is on the material world—both literally and figuratively.

Taurus energy is all about security, whether it’s a roof over your head, a belly full of good food, or a sense of peace in your soul. As the Full Moon sheds its light, and with Saturn stationing direct, hold yourself accountable to clearing away anything that makes you feel unworthy of the gifts you’ve been given in this lifetime.

Now, the last half of the month? That’s what I’ve been looking forward to! Pluto finally moves into Aquarius after months of teasing us. Pluto first dipped into the sign of innovation back in 2023, but thanks to retrogrades and loose ends, it’s now fully committing to the digital age. Pluto moves slowly, so it’ll stay in Aquarius for nearly two decades. Don’t worry, your world won’t flip upside down overnight, but you will start to notice the big shifts we’ve all been waiting for.

Expect huge advancements in technology, a surge in humanitarian efforts, and a redistribution of power to the collective. Pluto rules transformation and Aquarius governs society, so on a personal level, your social circles will start evolving. On a larger scale, society as a whole will begin to reconnect, fostering more harmony among strangers.

As we close the month, Scorpio season gives way to Sagittarius season on the 21st, with a Sagittarius New Moon on the 30th. Sagittarius, the archer, shoots its arrow to guide the way forward. Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius season is a time to reflect on your journey with a sense of relief and optimism. The beauty of Sagittarius energy is that the destination matters, the journey is fun, but the lessons you’ve learned along the way are the real treasures.

With the month ending on a New Moon in Sagittarius, set your intentions around reflecting on your personal growth, clarifying what motivates you to create and enjoy life, grounding yourself, and transforming your approach to your social world.

As always, check your rising sign for the most accurate reading. May November bring you blessings and inspire you to take action for yourself and your joy!


November ignites a creative fire in you, Aries! The New Moon in Scorpio on the 1st stirs up your 8th house of intimacy and transformation, asking you to dive deep into emotional connections. Mid-month, as Venus dances into your 10th house of career and public life, you’re ready to boss up in your professional pursuits. Saturn’s direct motion in your 12th house signals an end to some heavy inner work, offering relief. And with the Taurus Full Moon lighting up your 2nd house, you’ll get clarity on what financial or material baggage you need to let go of. By month’s end, the Sagittarius New Moon has you setting adventurous goals in your 9th house of exploration and higher learning. Embrace this cosmic reboot, and let your passions soar!


November kicks off with a New Moon in your 7th house of relationships, Taurus, making it the perfect time to set intentions around partnerships—whether romantic or business. Venus, your ruling planet, moves into your 9th house of adventure and higher wisdom mid-month, inviting you to step out of your comfort zone. With Saturn going direct in your 11th house of community, you’ll feel more aligned with your social circles. The Full Moon in your sign on the 15th gives you a powerful moment of personal release—anything no longer serving you must go. By the end of the month, the Sagittarius New Moon highlights your 8th house of transformation, making it time to dive into deeper truths and find emotional clarity.


Mars moves into your 3rd house of communication on the 3rd, Gemini, boosting your need for self-expression and learning. But beware of steamrolling others as Mars prepares to retrograde next month. The New Moon in Scorpio brings fresh energy to your 6th house of health and routine—perfect for revamping your wellness goals. With Saturn stationing direct in your 10th house of career, professional clarity returns, helping you solidify long-term plans. The Full Moon in Taurus in your 12th house of endings allows you to release any emotional baggage. When the Sagittarius New Moon lights up your 7th house of relationships on the 30th, it’s the ideal time to focus on partnerships and new connections.


This month, the New Moon in Scorpio on the 1st energizes your 5th house of creativity and romance, Cancer, making it a dreamy time to pursue passion projects or deepen connections with loved ones. Venus enters your 7th house of relationships mid-month, asking you to build something solid and lasting with your partners. Saturn’s direct motion in your 9th house of wisdom brings clarity to any spiritual or educational quests you’ve been on since June. The Taurus Full Moon in your 11th house of community helps you shed any social obligations that no longer serve your growth. With the New Moon in Sagittarius illuminating your 6th house of health, it’s time to focus on how you can nurture both your body and soul.


Mars, your ruling planet, roars into your 1st house of identity on the 3rd, Leo, giving you a much-needed energy boost to pursue your desires. But be mindful—Mars will retrograde soon, so use November to reflect on how you assert yourself. The Scorpio New Moon activates your 4th house of home, making it the perfect time to set new intentions around your living space or family dynamics. Saturn’s direct movement in your 8th house helps you feel more secure in facing life’s deeper emotional matters. The Full Moon in Taurus brings clarity to your 10th house of career and public life, helping you release old goals that no longer align with your path. As Sagittarius season lights up your 5th house of creativity, embrace fun, play, and passion!


The New Moon in Scorpio on the 1st awakens your 3rd house of communication, Virgo, inspiring you to set new intentions around learning and self-expression. With Mars entering your 12th house, it’s time to reflect on your inner motivations and spiritual growth before Mars stations retrograde next month. Venus in Capricorn brings structure to your 5th house of creativity and romance, encouraging you to take charge of your passions and connections. Saturn’s direct motion in your 7th house of relationships brings clarity to any partnerships that have felt heavy. The Taurus Full Moon in your 9th house of wisdom urges you to let go of old beliefs and expand your horizons. By month’s end, the Sagittarius New Moon in your 4th house invites you to set intentions around home and family matters.


As the New Moon in Scorpio activates your 2nd house of money and resources, Libra, November begins with a focus on setting intentions around financial security. Venus enters your 4th house of home mid-month, encouraging you to create a solid foundation within your personal space. Saturn’s direct movement in your 6th house brings clarity to your work routines and health matters, making it easier to implement long-term changes. The Taurus Full Moon in your 8th house of shared resources shines a light on what needs to be released in financial or emotional entanglements. When Sagittarius season lights up your 3rd house of communication, it’s time to explore new ways of expressing yourself and connecting with others.


Happy New Moon in your sign, Scorpio! The month starts off with a powerful reset in your 1st house of identity, making it the perfect time to set intentions around personal growth and transformation. Mars enters your 10th house of career, giving you the energy to chase professional goals—but beware of burning out before Mars retrogrades next month. Venus in Capricorn lights up your 3rd house of communication, encouraging thoughtful and practical connections with others. Saturn’s direct movement in your 5th house brings clarity to your creative projects and romantic life. The Full Moon in Taurus illuminates your 7th house of relationships, showing you where you need to let go of partnerships that no longer serve you. As Sagittarius season enters your 2nd house, focus on aligning your values with your financial goals.


November brings a deep introspective energy, Sag. The Scorpio New Moon on the 1st activates your 12th house of spiritual healing, making it a great time for reflection and soul work. Mars in your 9th house of exploration fuels your desire for adventure, but with a retrograde on the horizon, be mindful of rushing into anything too quickly. Venus enters your 2nd house of finances mid-month, urging you to build stability and take control of your resources. Saturn’s direct motion in your 4th house of home and family offers relief as long-standing issues start to resolve. The Full Moon in Taurus shines a light on your 6th house of health, encouraging you to release habits that no longer serve you. As Sagittarius season kicks off in your 1st house of identity, it’s your time to shine—embrace your personal power and set bold new goals with the New Moon on the 30th.


November begins with a New Moon in Scorpio, lighting up your 11th house of community and social goals, Capricorn. It’s the perfect time to set intentions around your network and future aspirations. Mars moves into your 8th house of transformation, bringing intense energy to your emotional world, but be careful not to push too hard as retrograde looms. Venus enters your sign mid-month, blessing you with charm and grace—make the most of it to enhance your personal and professional relationships. Saturn’s direct movement in your 3rd house clears up any communication blocks you’ve been facing. The Taurus Full Moon in your 5th house of creativity and joy encourages you to release any creative or romantic frustrations. By the end of the month, the Sagittarius New Moon activates your 12th house, urging you to reflect on your spiritual journey and set intentions for inner growth.


The month starts with a Scorpio New Moon in your 10th house of career, Aquarius, making it an ideal time to set intentions for your professional life and public image. Mars moves into your 7th house of relationships, adding passion and drive to your partnerships, but don’t push too hard as retrograde nears. Venus in Capricorn lights up your 12th house mid-month, encouraging some much-needed self-care and introspection. Saturn’s direct motion in your 2nd house brings clarity to your financial situation, making it easier to build long-term security. The Full Moon in Taurus on the 15th shines a light on your 4th house of home and family, showing you what needs to be released for peace and stability. As the month closes, the Sagittarius New Moon in your 11th house encourages you to set goals for the future and embrace the connections that help you grow.


November kicks off with a New Moon in Scorpio, activating your 9th house of higher learning and adventure, Pisces. Set intentions around expanding your horizons and exploring new philosophies. Mars enters your 6th house of health and daily routines, giving you a boost of energy, but with retrograde on the way, pace yourself. Venus in Capricorn mid-month highlights your 11th house of social circles, encouraging you to take charge of your friendships and community involvement. Saturn’s direct movement in your sign brings relief from internal struggles you’ve been working through since June—clarity is finally within reach. The Taurus Full Moon in your 3rd house of communication helps you release outdated ideas and make way for new perspectives. By month’s end, the Sagittarius New Moon lights up your 10th house of career, making it the perfect time to set professional goals for the future.

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