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Oklahoma lawmakers plan to propose sports betting bill again



Oklahoma lawmakers plan to propose sports betting bill again

An Oklahoma lawmaker is trying to make sure this is the last football season without sports better after a bill to allow it, didn’t pass the legislature this past spring.

As college football and the NFL is in full swing some surrounding states like Arkansas are getting their bets in for this weekends’ games.

“It is entertainment, in my opinion. It’s not a way to make a living. It makes the event a little more interesting when you have skin in the game,” State Senator Bill Coleman said.

He proposed sports betting last year and plans to do it again when the session resumes after the holidays.

“There is a demand for sports betting in Oklahoma,” he said.

Coleman had concerns about sports betting at casinos and on apps like FanDuel.

“I was concerned about people who have an addiction. how easy it was, but in talking with the sports betting companies they monitor for problems and electronically artificial intelligence helps them a lot. They’re looking out for problems,” Coleman said.

He adds, to have sports betting, the stakes at having an economic impact are high.

“The figures I keep hearing is around $150 million in state revenue that would come out with sports betting in Oklahoma and if you look at sports betting that’s going across the nation right now it’s very popular and very lucrative in the states that have it,” he said.

According to Coleman, Oklahoma needs to pass it because surrounding states have sports betting and soon Texas might, and we don’t want people traveling when that money can stay here.

He’s encouraging people to contact their legislatures and let them know you want sports betting.

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