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Online Grocery Shopping Surges: VTEX Survey Reveals 69% of Consumers Shop Digitally | VTEX Stock News



Online Grocery Shopping Surges: VTEX Survey Reveals 69% of Consumers Shop Digitally | VTEX Stock News

VTEX, a leading commerce platform, has released new research on online grocery shopping trends in the U.S. The survey of 1,000 consumers reveals that 69% purchase groceries online, indicating a growing preference for digital services. Key findings include:

1. 47% of consumers order 26-50% of their groceries online
2. 60% prefer home delivery for online orders
3. Price is the most important factor for 69% of respondents
4. Free shipping (68%) and discount codes (65%) are the most appealing promotions
5. 45% consider real-time order tracking very important

The survey highlights the need for grocers to enhance their digital offerings, optimize the digital shelf, scale online operations, streamline fulfillment, and foster customer loyalty through unified commerce experiences. Grocers who adapt to these trends can gain a competitive advantage in the evolving digital marketplace.

VTEX, una piattaforma di commercio leader, ha pubblicato una nuova ricerca sulle tendenze della spesa alimentare online negli Stati Uniti. L’indagine condotta su 1.000 consumatori rivela che il 69% acquista generi alimentari online, indicando una crescente preferenza per i servizi digitali. I risultati chiave includono:

1. Il 47% dei consumatori ordina il 26-50% dei propri generi alimentari online
2. Il 60% preferisce la consegna a domicilio per gli ordini online
3. Il prezzo è il fattore più importante per il 69% degli intervistati
4. Spedizione gratuita (68%) e codici sconto (65%) sono le promozioni più attraenti
5. Il 45% considera il tracciamento degli ordini in tempo reale molto importante

L’indagine evidenzia la necessità per i rivenditori di migliorare le loro offerte digitali, ottimizzare la scaffalatura digitale, scalare le operazioni online, semplificare l’adempimento e promuovere la fidelizzazione dei clienti attraverso esperienze di commercio unite. I rivenditori che si adattano a queste tendenze possono ottenere un vantaggio competitivo nel mercato digitale in evoluzione.

VTEX, una plataforma de comercio líder, ha publicado una nueva investigación sobre las tendencias de compra de alimentos en línea en EE. UU. La encuesta a 1,000 consumidores revela que el 69% compra alimentos en línea, lo que indica una creciente preferencia por los servicios digitales. Las conclusiones clave incluyen:

1. El 47% de los consumidores ordena entre el 26-50% de sus alimentos en línea
2. El 60% prefiere la entrega a domicilio para los pedidos en línea
3. El precio es el factor más importante para el 69% de los encuestados
4. Los envíos gratuitos (68%) y los códigos de descuento (65%) son las promociones más atractivas
5. El 45% considera muy importante el seguimiento de pedidos en tiempo real

La encuesta destaca la necesidad de que los minoristas mejoren sus ofertas digitales, optimicen la estantería digital, escalen las operaciones en línea, simplifiquen el cumplimiento y fomenten la lealtad del cliente a través de experiencias de comercio unificado. Los minoristas que se adapten a estas tendencias pueden obtener una ventaja competitiva en el mercado digital en evolución.

VTEX는 미국의 온라인 식료품 쇼핑 트렌드에 대한 새로운 연구를 발표했습니다. 1,000명의 소비자를 대상으로 한 설문 조사에 따르면 69%가 온라인으로 식료품을 구매하고 있으며, 이는 디지털 서비스에 대한 선호도가 증가하고 있음을 나타냅니다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 47%의 소비자는 자신의 식료품의 26-50%를 온라인으로 주문
2. 60%가 온라인 주문에 대해 집으로 배달받기를 선호
3. 가격이 가장 중요한 요소라고 응답한 비율은 69%입니다
4. 무료 배송(68%)과 할인 코드(65%)가 가장 매력적인 프로모션입니다
5. 45%는 실시간 주문 추적이 매우 중요하다고 생각

이번 조사에서는 소매업체가 디지털 서비스를 강화하고, 디지털 진열대를 최적화하며, 온라인 작업을 확장하고, 주문 이행을 간소화하고, 통합된 상거래 경험을 통해 고객 충성도를 증진할 필요가 있음을 강조합니다. 이러한 트렌드에 적응하는 소매업체는 변화하는 디지털 시장에서 경쟁 우위를 확보할 수 있습니다.

VTEX, une plateforme de commerce de premier plan, a publié une nouvelle recherche sur les tendances des courses en ligne aux États-Unis. Le sondage réalisé auprès de 1.000 consommateurs révèle que 69% achètent des produits alimentaires en ligne, ce qui indique une préférence croissante pour les services numériques. Les principales conclusions comprennent :

1. 47% des consommateurs commandent 26-50% de leurs courses en ligne
2. 60% préfèrent la livraison à domicile pour les commandes en ligne
3. Le prix est le facteur le plus important pour 69% des répondants
4. La livraison gratuite (68%) et les codes de réduction (65%) sont les promotions les plus attrayantes
5. 45% considèrent le suivi des commandes en temps réel comme très important

Le sondage souligne la nécessité pour les détaillants d’améliorer leurs offres numériques, d’optimiser les étagères numériques, d’étendre les opérations en ligne, de rationaliser l’exécution des commandes et de favoriser la fidélité des clients à travers des expériences de commerce unifiées. Les détaillants qui s’adaptent à ces tendances peuvent obtenir un avantage compétitif sur le marché numérique en évolution.

VTEX, eine führende Handelsplattform, hat neue Forschungsarbeiten zu den Trends beim Online-Einkauf von Lebensmitteln in den USA veröffentlicht. Die Umfrage unter 1.000 Verbrauchern zeigt, dass 69% der Verbraucher online Lebensmittel kaufen, was auf eine wachsende Vorliebe für digitale Dienstleistungen hinweist. Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen gehören:

1. 47% der Verbraucher bestellen 26-50% ihrer Lebensmittel online
2. 60% bevorzugen die Lieferung nach Hause für Online-Bestellungen
3. Der Preis ist der wichtigste Faktor für 69% der Befragten
4. Kostenloser Versand (68%) und Rabattcodes (65%) sind die ansprechendsten Aktionen
5. 45% halten die Echtzeit-Bestellverfolgung für sehr wichtig

Die Umfrage unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit für Einzelhändler, ihre digitalen Angebote zu verbessern, das digitale Regal zu optimieren, Online-Operationen auszubauen, die Erfüllung zu optimieren und die Kundenbindung durch einheitliche Handelserlebnisse zu fördern. Einzelhändler, die sich an diese Trends anpassen, können im sich entwickelnden digitalen Markt einen Wettbewerbsvorteil erlangen.

New data encourages grocers to enhance omnichannel experiences and address consumer pain points

VTEX (NYSE: VTEX), the composable and complete commerce platform for premier B2C and B2B brands and retailers, released new research on online grocery shopping and consumer preferences. According to the survey findings, of 1,000 U.S. consumers 18 years old and older, 69% of consumers purchase groceries online in some capacity, indicating a strong and growing preference for these services.

As brands and retailers continue to explore the best ways to engage with today’s consumers, the survey findings underscore the growing trend and need for grocers to adapt and incorporate more robust online and omnichannel capabilities into their sales strategies.

The survey identifies key focus areas for grocers in the digital age: optimizing the digital shelf, scaling online operations, streamlining fulfillment, and fostering customer loyalty through unified commerce experiences. By addressing these critical aspects, grocers can create a seamless omnichannel strategy that meets the evolving needs of today’s consumers and drives long-term success through repeat sales through a unified commerce experience.

Key findings from the survey critical for brands and retailers:

Online grocery shopping is becoming mainstream

  • 47% of consumers order 26-50% of their groceries online, highlighting the increasing importance of robust omnichannel commerce in the grocery sector.
  • 60% of respondents prefer home delivery for their online grocery orders.

This data underscores the importance of grocers prioritizing their digital offerings. Brands that fail to meet these evolving consumer preferences risk losing market share to more digitally savvy competitors.

Price sensitivity is a significant factor in online grocery shopping

  • 69% of respondents cite price as the most important factor when choosing an online grocery service.
  • Free shipping (68%) and discount codes (65%) are the most appealing promotions to encourage more frequent online grocery shopping.
  • Membership or loyalty rewards attract interest from a little over half (53%) of respondents.

The emphasis on price and promotions highlights a significant opportunity for grocers to differentiate themselves in the competitive online marketplace. Retailers can attract price-sensitive consumers by strategically offering free shipping, discount codes, and loyalty programs while building long-term customer relationships.

Transparency and real-time updates are crucial

  • 45% of respondents consider real-time order tracking very important, highlighting the need for transparency and immediate access to order status.

The demand for real-time order tracking reveals a shift in consumer expectations towards greater transparency in the online shopping experience. Grocers who invest in robust order tracking systems can gain a competitive edge by providing the level of visibility and control that modern consumers increasingly expect.

“The message from consumers is clear: they want robust, reliable online grocery shopping options,” said Dani Jurado, Executive Vice President of North America at VTEX. “Grocers who may be on the fence about investing in their digital capabilities should take note. Success in this space isn’t about building the perfect system overnight, but about continuously evolving and adapting to meet consumer needs, delivering a seamless experience across every shopping channel.”

Grocers who act decisively on these insights stand to gain a significant competitive advantage in an increasingly digital marketplace. As we move into 2025 and beyond, the ability to offer flexible, transparent, and value-driven online grocery experiences will be crucial in capturing and retaining market share in this dynamic industry.

“As the leading Asian food retailer, the growth of online grocery shopping has opened up new business opportunities and transformed the way we engage with our customers. From an operational standpoint, our online site behaves as a marketplace allowing us to expand the product assortment,” said Vince Colatriano, Executive Vice President at HMart. “This functionality enables third-party sellers to upload their products, propose prices, and submit for our review. Once approved, the products appear on our site, and we take the order while the third-party seller fulfills it. This allows us to expand sales opportunities for sellers to reach millions of lovers of Asian Food Culture among the growing group of online grocery shoppers – making everyone happy.”

To explore this trend further and discover how to seamlessly integrate online grocery shopping into your buyer’s journey, visit

Survey Methodology:

This online survey was commissioned by VTEX and fielded by Dynata, a global market research firm, from August, 2024. The survey leverages a consumer mix of 1,000 adult panelists in the United States with demo breaks to ensure consistency and close to national representation for Gender, Age, & Region.

About VTEX

VTEX (NYSE: VTEX) is the composable and complete commerce platform that delivers more efficiency and less maintenance to organizations seeking to make smarter IT investments and modernize their tech stack. Through our pragmatic composability approach, we empower brands, distributors, and retailers with unparalleled flexibility and comprehensive solutions, enabling them to invest solely in what provides a clear business advantage and boosts profitability. VTEX is trusted by 2,600 global B2C and B2B customers, including Carrefour, Colgate, Motorola, Sony, Stanley Black & Decker, and Whirlpool, having 3,500 active online stores across 43 countries (as of FY ended on December 31, 2023). For more information, visit

Kate Adams

PAN Communications for VTEX

Source: VTEX


What percentage of consumers purchase groceries online according to the VTEX survey?

According to the VTEX survey, 69% of consumers purchase groceries online in some capacity, indicating a strong and growing preference for these services.

How many consumers prefer home delivery for their online grocery orders?

The survey reveals that 60% of respondents prefer home delivery for their online grocery orders, highlighting the importance of this fulfillment option for grocers.

What is the most important factor for consumers when choosing an online grocery service?

Price is cited as the most important factor by 69% of respondents when choosing an online grocery service, emphasizing the significance of competitive pricing in the digital marketplace.

Which promotions are most appealing to encourage more frequent online grocery shopping?

The survey found that free shipping (68%) and discount codes (65%) are the most appealing promotions to encourage more frequent online grocery shopping.

How important is real-time order tracking for online grocery shoppers?

45% of respondents consider real-time order tracking very important, highlighting the need for transparency and immediate access to order status in online grocery shopping.

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