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Organic greenhouse vegetables “Made in Ukraine” support the regional economy and create jobs



Organic greenhouse vegetables “Made in Ukraine” support the regional economy and create jobs

The greenhouse enterprise “Agrokonsern,” located in Ukraine’s Rivne region, actively supports the national “Made in Ukraine” program, contributing to the regional economy and creating jobs within the community.

Greenhouse technologies often face skepticism from consumers who perceive them as “unnatural.” However, high yields at Agrokonsern are achieved not through intensive agrochemical use, but by creating optimal conditions for plant growth and using innovative technologies.

The Zoryanske greenhouses cultivate 25,000 tomato plants, yielding 40 kg per square meter. Plants are grown in coconut substrate containers, and pollination is performed by specially bred bumblebees. During winter, additional heating and lighting are provided to ensure year-round production.

Despite the greenhouse industry facing challenges from rising energy costs, Agrokonsern maintains its reputation through the superior taste of its produce, ensuring high demand and a loyal customer base. The enterprise produces approximately 2,500 tons of vegetables annually, with tomatoes retaining their exceptional flavor over time.


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