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People Are Revealing Their Final Acts Of Defiance Towards Obnoxious Bosses Before Quitting



People Are Revealing Their Final Acts Of Defiance Towards Obnoxious Bosses Before Quitting


I worked at a grocery store when I was younger. While working there, my first daughter was born. Her first birthday happened to fall on Memorial Day, and the store director wanted me to skip her birthday so he could have a barbecue. I told him that I wouldn’t be there, but he still went ahead and scheduled me. Well, I didn’t show up, and the next few months were a real pain. This guy started acting all petty and demoted me from management, cut my pay, and reduced my hours. It was messed up, but luckily, the union had my back and made him pay me a couple of grand in back pay after I put up with that crap for a few months.”

“I eventually landed an amazing career at a water treatment plant, and now I’m making three times the money I used to. But before leaving, as my final F U, I gave all of my uniforms to the unhoused men who hung out in the parking lot. They’d walk around the parking lot in store uniforms, asking for money and food. My old boss got into a few confrontations trying to get the shirts back from them. I wish I could’ve been there for those. Ultimately, those guys started going through the back of the store during receiving hours and taking beer and food. To this day, years later, I guess it’s still a problem, even after they changed uniforms.”


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