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Pisces Monthly Horoscope



Pisces Monthly Horoscope


Get out and mingle, Pisces! May is off to a social and vibrant start, and you’re totally up for all of it. With the Sun in Taurus and your communicative third house until May 20, it’s the perfect time to catch up with old friends and make some new ones. You’re buzzing with ideas and eager to sync up with kindred spirits who want to talk about everything under the sun.

Your mind is eager to learn in this inquisitive solar cycle. Load up on podcasts, short webinars and intriguing media during Taurus season. And get some IRL adventures on the calendar too. Dream up creative outings, like a paint-and-picnic day where you hike with art supplies and spread out somewhere beautiful to sketch, sip sun tea and savor good company. Use your imagination!

You’ve earned the right to socialize, Fish, because you endured Mercury, the planet of communication, running retrograde (backward) for most of April. The galactic gag order has been lifted as of April 25, but you could still be catching up (or patching up) with your crew. Don’t hold anything back now! Outspoken Jupiter is spending its last three weeks (until May 25) in Taurus and your expressive third house, where it’s been since mid-May 2023. After a year of this, you could be feeling ready to say what you mean and mean what you say—not something your flowy sign is famous for, Pisces.

Got an idea that’s really lighting you up? The May 7 Taurus new moon could be the perfect day for a pitch, a brainstorm or to start talks about an exciting collaboration. If you’ve been feeling meeting-of-the-minds chemistry with someone, this new moon could help initiate a trial project to test your connection. Start with something low-risk that plays to both of your strengths. As the new moon’s energy unfolds between now and the November 15 Taurus full moon, you could develop something truly dynamic together. And if not? At least you’ll have tried. After all, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

This lunation could bring news that develops into a bigger project or undertaking. Since the third house rules siblings and neighbors, you might bury the hatchet and turn over a new leaf with a brother or sister (or a friend who’s as close as one). Looking for a new neighborhood to hang out in or call home? Start exploring possibilities, hanging out in those areas or staying at an Airbnb to “try before you buy” (or rent). Mixing things up will bring a refreshing dose of novelty to your world, getting you excited about life again.

On May 2, investigative Pluto begins a five-month backspin, sparking an introspective journey until October 11. What lies beneath, Pisces? This year, Pluto will split its retrograde between Aquarius (until September 1) and then Capricorn. The bulk of the backspin will happen in your fourth house of home and family.

During this five-month period, you’re primed to deal with some old, seemingly intractable patterns, particularly from family and childhood. Make sure to get proper support, especially if you’re confronting deep-seated fears and subconscious issues that you’ve grown accustomed to sweeping aside. Facing your very worst “what if” scenario with a therapist or trained healer might be your key to emotional freedom. 

Seeking more meaning from life? Spiritual study or mystical immersion can be a buoy that not only keeps you afloat but helps you navigate larger anxieties. As tempting as it is to stay entrenched in resentment or a victim mindset, a better use of your precious energy is learning to let go and trust the universe more on all matters, including karmic retribution. Instead of being the judge and jury, accept all situations and people as teachers. Through this lens, what have you learned? And how can these lessons propel you forward? 

Paying attention to the company you keep is a big part of the puzzle. Is it time for a new crew—or to freshen up your roster of local hangouts? On May 13, the Sun will make its once-a-year conjunction (meetup) with changemaker Uranus. As the two connect in Taurus, you could receive some curveball news or have an electrifying conversation that opens your eyes to an exciting new viewpoint. You might be inspired to shake things up in your community with the bold Sun and activist Uranus leading the charge. This Sun-Uranus disruption could spark some bigger changes to your social circle. Pull back a little from draining or burdensome friendships this spring—or reconnect with long-lost friends who really get you. 

Not loving where you live? This Sun-Uranus meetup could inspire you to start looking for a new locale that’s more in sync with your interests and lifestyle. A short trip could totally refresh your perspective. You might spontaneously start shopping for a new set of wheels (whether a bike or an energy-efficient car) or upgrade your tech devices. Be sure to recycle or donate the old ones!

Got an idea to pitch or a big ask to make? Now’s the time, Pisces. With your mind racing a mile a minute, schedule brainstorming sessions at work and catch-up chats with friends you’ve lost touch with. Thirsting for new ideas? Poll friends for their favorite podcasts, whether you’re learning about AI or indulging some other curiosity.

Things really come together on May 18, when the Sun and abundant Jupiter make their once-a-year meetup. Nicknamed the Day of Miracles, this is believed by some astrologers to be one of the most fortunate dates of the year. Big, prosperous news could come in today, so keep your devices charged! Field all the offers that come in, but vet them carefully . You could get a little too excited about synergies and overlook the less stellar traits of someone you meet or what they’re suggesting.

Then…it’s time to luxuriate at Chateau Pisces! You can ease into some nesting and nurturing on May 20, when the Sun enters Gemini and your domestic fourth house for a month. You’ve got license to relax and carve out time for self-care—a must for your empathic sign since you tend to soak up people’s energy like a sponge. Shield your field and hunker down in your sanctuary. Putter around the house cooking, decorating and DIY-ing up a storm, letting your creativity have a field day. Arrange some fresh flowers or start a garden, whether it’s in a bed of biodynamic soil or in an herb-filled windowsill box.

With the Sun in this anchoring zone of your chart, it’s an essential time to fortify your foundation, which will give you a strong sense of security when you venture back out into the wider world. 

But wait! Before you completely downshift, the May 23 Sagittarius full moon is your moment to shine professionally. This annual lunation in your tenth house of career and ambitious goals could garner you a promotion or the kind of recognition you’ve been working toward all year. Since full moons can bring endings, you may transition from one position or role into a new one.

Your father or another important man could play into events as the full moon illuminates this sector. Look to your relationship with your dad (no matter how good, bad or absent) to sort through any outworn patterns that could be limiting your success at home or work. Under the outspoken Sagittarius full moon, you may discover something you need to get off your chest, or have a sudden epiphany about how this past dynamic plays into your current relationships. 

On May 25, expansive Jupiter takes a final victory lap in Taurus and your third house of communication, where it’s been visiting since May 16, 2023. You’ve grown so much socially and come out of your shell. You may have found a new community, connected with your soul squad or moved to a new neighborhood. Now it’s Jupiter’s homecoming. From May 25, 2024, until June 9, 2025, Jupiter will visit Gemini and your fourth house. For the next 12 months, you’ll truly be in the zone as lucky Jupiter brings new adventures to this sector of home, family and emotional security. Get ready to plant some deep roots, Pisces.

The last time lucky Jupiter visited Gemini was from June 11, 2012, to June 25, 2013. Think back to this time period and see if you recognize familiar themes resurfacing. The fourth house is foundational—representing the core of who we are. Interestingly, Jupiter rules travel, growth and new horizons—the opposite vibe of the rooted and domestically focused fourth house. You may pick up and move to a new community, buy a house or find a way to create “family” wherever you go…even at work or in social spaces. If a job offers you the chance to relocate, you could surprise yourself and say yes. With Jupiter in this family-oriented zone, you could also start researching zip codes with great school districts, parks and activities for both kids and adults.

The urge to connect to your clan, especially female relatives and children, gets stronger during Jupiter’s tenure in Gemini. You might organize a family reunion at a beach locale or commit to spending more quality time with your relatives. Relationships with mothers, daughters and female relatives could undergo necessary evolution, which could come with a few growing pains. Since the fourth house rules parenthood, a pregnancy, adoption or new addition to the family could be part of this Jupiter cycle.

With adventurous and knowledge-seeking Jupiter here, you could develop (or strengthen) a passion for the domestic arts: cooking and baking, knitting and DIY crafts, decorating. Who needs to break the bank at the hot but overpriced new tapas spot when you can replicate the recipes yourself? Making your own food sustains you on emotional levels too—so maybe it’s time to crack open your favorite cookbook or resurrect an old family recipe. 

Self-care is essential now since Jupiter will awaken some tender feelings during this sensitive and sentimental cycle. Book those regular hot stone massages or rejuvenating acupuncture sessions. Don’t feel guilty if you need more downtime. Carve out space to honor your magnified emotions, savoring solitude, reading and pampering yourself. 

So much for the shy, reserved Fish! All month—until June 9, in fact—passionate, powerful Mars is marching through Aries and your grounded second house. You’re feeling confident and secure and won’t be afraid to ask for what you want. How refreshing to be able to put your needs front and center without feeling like you have to apologize. Not only is this good practice for you, Pisces, but it makes you sexy and attractive to others. For couples, this is an excellent time to discuss practical matters like money and future plans.

Adding an assist in the “speaking your mind” department, romantic Venus is in Taurus until May 23, sprinkling her sensual pixie dust in your communicative third house. Passion is still percolating, but there’s also the desire to do more lighthearted activities without all the pressure of dating and romance. 

Couples have a beautiful opening to talk about “big issues,” and if you make a point of being a good listener, you can expect the same in return. Single? The local scene is alive with prospects as the temperatures rise, so get out and mingle. At the very least, you’re sure to have some fun conversations. And when Venus and globe-trotting Jupiter unite under the May 23 full moon, you could go explore some far-flung neighborhoods together or plan a getaway. Bali, Brazil, Barcelona? Go live like a local instead of a tourist and have fun seeing the world together.

From May 23 to June 17, vixen Venus will drop into Gemini and your sentimental fourth house. Don’t be surprised if you’re feeling extra emotional and tender—and in need of intense bonding. Couples could get serious about meeting each other’s families, moving in together or talking about family plans of your own. No matter what your relationship status, prioritize self-care on all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual.

Finances: front and center. Action planet Mars is in Aries and your second house of work and money from April 30 to June 9, intensifying the pace (and demands) of your career. You can make some serious money moves if you play your cards right this spring. 

Warning: Mars can add stress and motivation in equal doses. An unforeseen expense may crop up, and Mars may leave you anxious over finances. There might be tension with disagreeable colleagues and demanding clients. Use this as an opportunity to bring more clarity to everything from your budget to your project management style.

The fastest ticket to profits? Your silver tongue. The Sun is in Taurus until May 20, alongside charming Venus (until May 23), pioneering Uranus, lucky Jupiter (until May 25) and the new moon on May 7. Your bold ideas and the way you express them could be your ticket to success, especially at the May 18 meetup of the Sun and auspicious Jupiter.

Love Days: 11, 15

Money Days: 23, 5

Luck Days: 21, 30

Off Days: 14, 19

See All Signs

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