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Planners take issue with ‘massive’ design of proposed gym at Santa Rosa movie theater site as neighbors speak out



Planners take issue with ‘massive’ design of proposed gym at Santa Rosa movie theater site as neighbors speak out

Santa Rosa planning officials have delayed a decision to allow a proposed Planet Fitness to take over the Summerfield Cinemas site.

Zoning Administrator Kristinae Toomians during a Thursday hearing asked the project team to revise its design to it more compatible with the surrounding commercial area.

“Just looking at it, it looks bulky and massive and if there are ways to make it even more compatible with the surrounding buildings … that would improve the overall design,” Toomians said.

The item was continued to July 18.

Thursday’s decision granted a short reprieve for the theater but the use permit is likely to be approved for the conversion.

Community members can appeal the administrator’s final decision to the Planning Commission.

The proposal has alarmed neighbors and moviegoers, about a dozen of whom attended the hearing. They said the theater is a cultural institution and a vital gathering space and its closure would have a devastating impact on the community.

They expressed concerns that the city was pushing out small businesses in favor of national chains.

“Permitting this gym is a mistake,” said Trinity Winslow, a local business owner who has joined with other neighbors to urge the city to deny the permit.

Dan Tocchini, whose company owns and operates Summerfield Cinemas, and other theater representatives did not appear to be at the meeting. Tocchini has previously declined to comment on the gym proposal.

A representative for the property owner, George Arce Jr., said though he understood the community’s desire for the theater to stay, his goal is to ensure the retail center is profitable.

His team approached other theater operators but none were interested in expanding to that area, citing the small market and smaller footprint of the building. Retail centers are struggling and gyms are one viable anchor in today’s market, he said.

Toomians said she didn’t have concerns with the proposed use because it’s permitted under city zoning and land-use regulations but she had questions about the design, which she described as “bulky and heavy.”

She questioned whether the corporate signs and color scheme fit with the surrounding businesses and suggested modifications be made.

She also asked the project team to submit more complete plans showing building elevations, proposed updates to the other three sides of the building, outdoor lighting and a list of proposed materials that will be used.

You can reach Staff Writer Paulina Pineda at 707-521-5268 or On X (Twitter) @paulinapineda22.

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