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Quincy Council talks business development



The Quincy City council met June 17, in the evening at the Quincy Regional Training facility.

The main topic of discussion was business development.

The council chose to table a resolution that would give one million dollars to an out-of-state company looking to develop the lot at 54th and Broadway.

The money would go towards fixing the ground at the lot.

That developer is looking to build new restaurants and a gas station.

Local business owners came to tonight’s meeting, asking why the city would provide the million dollars to fix the problem.

‘A developer comes to us wanting a million dollars to fix the bad fill, why is the city taxpayer’s paying that? That should be an issue between the seller and buyer of the property. I went and bought the ADM MoorMan property, I didn’t come to a taxing body when I spent three times that amount on renovations and updates. That’s part of the project.’ Stated Adam Booth, Quincy business owner.

The resolution was tabled for one week.

In that time, the council will discuss if the tax rebate is the correct move.

The council also approved giving $200,000 dollars to the Charles and Kathie Marx trust for development of the former Sears building.

This money comes from the Mid Town Business District redevelopment agreement, which imposes a 1% sales tax on all purchases made within the district.

That includes many properties on the Quincy Town Center lot.

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