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Remembering Mountain State Business College



Remembering Mountain State Business College

Letter to the Editor (Graphic Illustration/MetroCreative)

I enjoyed the recent article about Mountain State Business College, not because it is closing but because of the very positive contribution the school made to our area in past years, apparently not known to the reporter.

Many young men coming home from military service used their G.I. Bill at Mountain State to study accounting and other business classes.

Young women coming to Parkersburg from small towns and rural areas learned typing and shorthand, often lodging with local families in exchange for helping with childcare and household chores.

In time, many of these graduates rose through the ranks at banks, regional businesses, factories and various agencies and enterprises and levels of leadership.

I recall when, as kids, my pal and I would ride our bicycles around the handsome red brick building with big open windows and listen to the typewriters clicking away in typing class.

So, let us be more cognizant of the valuable contributions to our region and beyond made by Mountain State College in its glory days and to its founder.

Betty Camp


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