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Rick Scott questions Kamala Harris’ fitness to lead in Israel flap



Rick Scott questions Kamala Harris’ fitness to lead in Israel flap

Joe Biden is still POTUS, of course.

Vice President Kamala Harris’ critical comments of Israel in the wake of what she called a “frank and constructive” meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are drawing criticism from Florida Republicans.

Among them is one of Donald Trump’s staunchest supporters.

“This is not a Commander-in-Chief,” U.S. Sen. Rick Scott posted to social media, reviewing Harris’ comments.

“No mention of Hamas. No mention of the Americans killed by terrorists on October 7th. No mention of the Israeli children burned alive or the women raped and killed. Horrible continuation of Biden’s weakness and appeasement.”

Harris advocated for a “two-state solution” in her comments after the Netanyahu confab, saying it was the “only path” forward to reduce tensions between Israel and the Palestinian people.

She also advocated for a cease-fire in the war ongoing since Hamas attacks in October 2023, which Israeli leaders and American supporters have lionized as Israel defending itself.

“The images of dead children and desperate hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time. We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and I will not be silent,” Harris said.

Scott’s criticisms of Harris’ foray into global diplomacy come a day after the Senator slammed “part-time President” Joe Biden, urging Harris to work toward invocation of the 25th Amendment against the Delaware Democrat.

“We’ve got to get a new President. We’ve got to get somebody who hopefully will do a better job than Biden has the capacity to do right now,” Scott said Thursday on “Mornings with Maria.”

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