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Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope



Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope


You’re no stranger to having more projects than there are hours in a day, Sagittarius. And this month, it could feel like there’s even more to do than usual. With your ruler, abundant Jupiter, wrapping up a one-year visit to Taurus and your efficient, administrative sixth house on May 25, you’ve got lists and tasks and to-dos by the mile. But the question is, Are you feeling like a lean, mean Centaur machine too? 

Luckily, you’ve also got the grit and focus to mark those items “complete” one by one, leaving you with a grand sense of accomplishment.

Until May 20, the Sun is marching through Taurus and your sixth house of health, organization and service. This no-frills time of year is actually a gift because you rarely take a moment to prioritize mundane matters like shredding papers, decluttering and booking routine yet essential medical appointments. Then it all piles up and weighs down your buoyant spirit (nooooo!). And with abundant Jupiter wrapping up its year-long trek through this hard-working sixth house, you might be busier than ever until it moves on.

If self-care and systematizing have fallen by the wayside, earmark the May 7 Taurus new moon as your kickoff date to get back on the wellness wagon. This once-a-year lunation is perfect for starting a new healthy eating plan, an exercise routine or any kind of sustainable habit. Build traction over the next two weeks leading up to the May 23 Sagittarius full moon—and set longer-term goals that you want to achieve by the corresponding November 15 Taurus full moon.

Could a Sag get a little help around here? The sixth house rules employees and assistants—and the fine art of delegation. As a capable, hands-on sign that doesn’t like to wait for other people to deliver, you’re often guilty of saying, “I’ll just do it myself.” But this impatience can cost you because your time gets spent doing other people’s tasks instead of meaningful work that will move the needle on your important objectives. During this analytical month, track your time and become aware of how many minutes (or hours) you spend doing non-impactful stuff that could be offloaded to someone else.

If that work requires a specialist, craft an informal job description. Then start putting the word out at the Taurus new moon on May 7—or in two weeks following. Savvy solutions could appear like magic if you get specific about your needs. And the truth is, it’s anything BUT magic; you’re just being proactive! Waiting until the last minute—no matter how busy you are—leaves you with limited options and frantically scrambling. But you can never grow to your full potential if you always fly by the seat of your pants. This month, quit relying on that (abundant) Sagittarius luck and make some concrete plans. Getting ahead of the curve will buy you the freedom and ease you long for!

Time to rethink a few plans? On May 2, investigative Pluto begins a five-month backspin, sparking an introspective journey until October 11. This year, Pluto will split its retrograde between Aquarius (until September 1) and then Capricorn. On November 19, Pluto will settle into Aquarius for 20 years, and it won’t return to Capricorn for more than two centuries!

For the majority of the retrograde, Pluto will backspin through Aquarius, stirring up the sediment in your third house of ideas and communication. Until October 11, you may feel more introverted or reflective. You could reexamine your social habits or refine how you think, speak, write and express yourself in the wider world. During this introspective time, you might return to school for a new certification or skills. The best way to stay relevant is by keeping your knowledge up to date, so keep those tools sharp!

Check your mindset: If you’re locked in a self-defeating pattern, listen to your internal monologue and make a practice of catching it mid-fire. Is there a limiting belief that’s holding you back? You could also experience frustrating power struggles with a sibling, colleague or neighbor. Before you get cutthroat, though, remember that anyone who gets under your skin is a mirror or messenger, as signaled by karmic Pluto’s presence here. Even if you have to take firm action, don’t forget to reflect on the deeper lesson. If you don’t, the whole scenario is likely to repeat and play out time and time again. 

Have you fallen off the workout wagon? A jolt of inspiration could arrive on May 13, when the revitalizing Sun and spontaneous Uranus make their once-a-year conjunction (meetup). As they connect in Taurus, you might make a radical change to your habits, whether due to doctor’s orders or a deep personal desire to feel better. An upgrade to Team Sagittarius could be in order if not a surprise reshuffling of the ranks. You could also hire a savvy new service provider or take a class to improve your own tech skills.

On May 18, the Sun and your ruling planet Jupiter will make their once-a-year conjunction (meetup). Nicknamed the Day of Miracles, the annual Sun-Jupiter alliance is believed by some astrologers to be one of the most fortunate dates of the year. It’s certainly a shot of optimism and can-do energy that you can channel into any project or passion that’s hit a plateau. 

Don’t stall progress simply because you don’t want to “deal” with a step that’s confusing or hard. The Day of Miracles could bring an ingenious solution or specialist into your orbit—so stay open to that divine assist! If you’ve been at a health and fitness plateau, The Day of Miracles can get you right out of your slump.

Lean on your inner circle starting May 20, when the Sun enters Gemini and your seventh house of partnership. With the life-giving Sun in your opposite sign, it’s at its farthest distance from your zodiac sign’s portion of the sky. That could mean that you’ll be sleepy or find it hard to access your usual levels of vitality. All the more reason to partner up with others and to narrow your focus so you can give your attention to a select and deserving few.

But wait! Before you go full dynamic duo, take a moment for number one. On May 23, the year’s only Sagittarius full moon makes it impossible to suppress your voice or hide from the spotlight. This is a peak moment that you’ve been building toward all year, one that can bring untold freedom or attention to your passion projects. Circle this date for any big launches and splashy announcements—or just a much-needed dose of “me time.” 

Feel like you’ve been sidelining your goals and prioritizing others’? Let your loved ones know what happiness looks like to you, spelling it out if you must. With the full moon loosely opposite Venus and Jupiter at the tail end of Taurus, consider how you can let more of the “acts of service” love language into your life. Once you paint that vivid picture, it will be easier for them to support your quest. Just make sure they don’t feel totally left out of the fun! While you do need freedom to roam and “do you,” once you get your fill of that, it will be rewarding to include your favorite people.

And then…get ready for the month’s headline news. Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is about to change zodiac signs, which happens once a year. This time, it will move into your opposite sign of Gemini on May 25, staying until June 9, 2025.

For the past 12 months, lucky Jupiter has been in Taurus, heating up your sixth house of health, organization and helpful people since May 16, 2023. The planet of expansion and good fortune only passes through a zodiac sign every 12 years. Over the past year, you’ve realized that the divine is indeed in the details, and you’re better equipped to handle the minutiae that typically bores your big-picture sign: making your bed every morning, flossing your teeth or getting regular cardio in. 

Before Jupiter wraps up its visit to Taurus on May 25, notice how you’ve adopted better health practices, like committing to morning meditations and movement each day. When it comes to productivity, Excel spreadsheets and budgeting apps might have become your new best friends. Of course, Jupiter in Taurus could also have amplified some of your anxious tendencies. Hopefully you learned that analysis paralysis doesn’t serve you—or anyone, for that matter. After Jupiter’s tour through this multitasking zone, you’ve learned the difference between being meticulous…and being neurotic. 

Another bonus: Jupiter in Taurus has prepared you for its upcoming transition to Gemini and your seventh house of one-on-one relationships, which will last from May 25, 2024, until June 9, 2025. When Jupiter enters Gemini for 12 months, you can take your grounded new sensibilities and apply them to your interpersonal connections. As you find that elusive balance between satisfying your own needs and being a vibrant partner, remember that uniting with another person, in business or pleasure, creates a third entity—the relationship itself. For the next year, Jupiter helps you explore new vistas with a significant other, whether personally, professionally—or both!—and reminds you of the importance of nurturing those connections. 

Flip back to the time between June 2012 and June 2013, the last time global Jupiter was heating up this cooperative zone. A retrospective look could give you a glimpse of what’s to come. Your normally independent sign will be more prone to letting go of control and figuring out how to compromise. Sure, you might be booted from your comfort zone, but the rewards will be worth the emotional effort. You could travel with your S.O. or make plans for a big move together. Perhaps you’ll amicably part ways with someone since growth-driven Jupiter could reveal that you’ve evolved in different directions. Or you could entertain an engagement, especially if you feel like the borders of your life expand in this person’s company. 

Solo Archers could meet someone from another culture or background—or even an intriguing soulmate who lives far away. The frequent flier miles might start racking up as you cross far-flung shores to spend time together and see where this goes. Whatever the development, one thing is for sure: Your alliances are bound to be your next grand adventure!

Spring gets lusty this month! Passionate Mars will steam up your amorous fifth house from April 30 to June 9 as it blazes through its home sign of Aries and your zone of passion, pleasure and play. After that, things will take a turn for the practical, so get all your kicks in before then! A sizzling attraction could spark up at a moment’s notice—possibly even quicker! Your impulse control might go MIA, but you’ll probably be too blinded by desire to care. Coupled Sagittarians will feel their mojo shooting through the roof, which is something to take advantage of since Mars is only here every two years. Time to unleash your flirty, frisky side!

While Mars can make you hedonistic, the other love planet, Venus, will balance that out with a more mindful approach to amour. Until May 23, caring Venus is in Taurus and your sixth house of wellness and service, supporting your sensible side. You might meet someone through healthy pursuits or doing community-focused activities. Consider volunteering or doing some social justice work. You’ll make the world a better place—AND you might chat up someone special in the process. This is especially true on May 23, when, under the illumination of the Sagittarius full moon, Venus unites with your ruling planet, Jupiter, during its final hours in Taurus.

Then, also on May 23, Venus strides into Gemini and your seventh house of partnership until June 17. As summer vacation officially begins, you’ll be enjoying your own personal relationship high season. Whatever your romantic status, start revving your engines and putting your desires on the front burner.

So much to do, so little time? You could feel an urgency to get ‘er done this month as the Sun makes its annual trek through productive Taurus and your sixth house of administrative duties. Lean into that organizing urge, Sag, and start whipping your world into shape. A great day to get organized is the May 7 Taurus new moon. You’ll reap the rewards of your diligence on May 18, when the Sun and Jupiter make their auspicious connection, a moment also known as The Day of Miracles.

Ready to collaborate? With lucky Jupiter in Gemini from May 25 until next June 9, 2025, you’ll have a full year of luck for business alliances, contracts and relationships. A chance to partner up with a dynamic person could also increase your earnings, all the more since go-getter Mars is in Aries all month, making you ultra-magnetic. If you’re looking for an agent or representative to bring your talents to the world, this Jupiter cycle could bring a well-connected person into your sphere.

Lights, camera, Archer: With energetic Mars in your creative, passionate fifth house all month, you’ve got the vision AND the enthusiasm to make your brilliant ideas sound irresistible. Fame could even come knocking—just make sure you’re attracting the right kind of attention. Contrary to the popular saying, there IS such a thing as bad publicity, Sagittarius. With your bold personality, you’ll be stealing the spotlight in no time. Consider the mark you want to make.

Love Days: 5, 9

Money Days: 15, 26

Luck Days: 14, 23

Off Days: 7, 11, 21

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