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Satisfactory breaks 100,000 concurrent players on Steam for the first time ever after its long-awaited 1.0 release



Satisfactory breaks 100,000 concurrent players on Steam for the first time ever after its long-awaited 1.0 release

You would think that after more than five years in early access, everyone who wanted to play Satisfactory would’ve gotten around to it at one point or another, and the 1.0 release would be, you know, nice but not essential. Or at least I would think that—and then I would have to admit that I was completely wrong about the whole thing.

The 1.0 release of Satisfactory has seen the game’s concurrent player count on Steam rocket past 100,000—the first time it’s ever even come close to that mark. (The previous peak, according to Steam Charts, was 34,238, still a damned respectable figure for such a niche game.) 

That’s gotta be satisfying. (Image credit: Steam Charts)

And it’s not just veteran Satisfactorians wandering back in to see what’s new: Satisfactory has also climbed into the top 10 on Steam’s top sellers list. That’s a whole lot of new Satisfactorios on the scene.

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