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Saturn Retrograde 2024: An effect of the planetary movement on your zodiac sign



Saturn Retrograde 2024: An effect of the planetary movement on your zodiac sign

One of the most significant transits in 2024 begins on June 29, 2024, when Saturn – the universal taskmaster – moves backwards in the sign of Aquarius. Saturn’s retrograde motion will last 139 days and will be over on November 15, 2024. In this article, let’s unveil how the Saturn Retrograde of Aquarius will change your life as per your zodiac sign.

Saturn Retrograde 2024 predictions for your zodiac sign.(File Photo)

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Aries (March 21-April 20)

Take the time to embrace your emotions honestly. With Saturn now retrograde in your twelfth house, focus on allowing yourself to feel deeply and openly, without judgment. You often present a tough exterior, perhaps to meet perceived expectations, but over the next four months, Saturn’s retrograde motion encourages you to find strength in vulnerability. Initially challenging, embracing your softer side can lead to profound personal healing. Exploring your inner self and addressing unresolved issues may be difficult but ultimately transformative, aiding your growth and well-being.

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Taurus (April 21-May 20)

Thinking about leaving your social circles? When Saturn goes retrograde in your eleventh house of friendships and aspirations, expect your relationships within communities to be put to the test. Over the next few months, you may start feeling differently about the bonds you have. A friendship or group you once valued might not feel as meaningful anymore. Is it because you’re growing apart or are at different life stages? You’ll need to figure out if your friendships are going through a phase or if they’ve reached their natural end. Fortunately, Saturn retrograde will help you see which connections are meant to last.

Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)

It’s a time to shift your focus. With Saturn going retrograde in your tenth house of career and achievements, you might experience a slowdown in your professional growth. While this period may not be highly productive, it offers valuable insights. Saturn retrograde prompts you to reconsider your life’s direction and purpose. It challenges you to reflect on what inspires and aligns with your ambitions. This introspection may lead you to reassess your current career path and prioritize pursuing what genuinely fulfils you, even if it means making changes.

Cancer (Jun 22-July 22)

It’s time to explore your beliefs. With Saturn retrograde affecting your ninth house of adventure and higher education, the next four months will challenge your perspectives. What you once held as true may be questioned as you encounter new ideas and experiences. To broaden your outlook, Saturn retrograde encourages you to step outside your comfort zone. This could involve travel, taking up new studies, or engaging in unfamiliar situations. Embrace discomfort as a catalyst for personal growth and a deeper understanding of your beliefs and values.

Leo (July 23-August 23)

Honesty about your financial decisions is crucial now, as Saturn retrograde influences your eighth house of debt and assets. Evaluate whether your financial commitments are truly beneficial or if they are draining your resources. If you find that certain arrangements are causing financial strain, it may be time to reclaim control. Understanding your financial opportunities and becoming more financially literate can empower you to make informed decisions. Take this opportunity to restructure your financial situation and regain a sense of control over your assets and debts.

Virgo (August 24-September 23)

During Saturn retrograde in your seventh house of partnership, Virgo, you’re urged to reassess your commitments. While you typically invest heavily in improving relationships, Saturn retrograde advises against pouring effort into relationships that no longer serve you. Take time to reflect on the future of each relationship and be willing to let go if it’s clear a connection has run its course. Focus instead on nurturing relationships with lasting potential.

Libra (September 24-October 23)

Finding balance is key. With Saturn retrograde in your sixth house of health, habits, and routine, it’s time to reevaluate your approach. If being too flexible has led to laxity, now is the moment to adjust your schedule and goals. Use this period to reconsider what routines suit you best. Strive for semi-consistency to achieve your objectives, experimenting to find what aligns with your lifestyle.

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)

Enjoy yourself, Scorpio! With Saturn retrograde affecting your fifth house of pleasure and passion, it’s time to prioritize your enjoyment over the next four months. Your hard work and sacrifices have been noted, so take this opportunity to have some fun. Whether revisiting an old hobby or scheduling a date, indulge in activities that bring you joy. Embrace your sensuality without hesitation if romance blossoms. This period is for embracing happiness and fulfilment without holding back.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

Saturn retrograde in your fourth house of home and family; it’s time to reassess your roles and responsibilities within your family. Expect shifts in duties and a chance to establish new boundaries and expectations over the next few months. Take this opportunity to redefine your familial relationships and set a tone that aligns with your needs. If household burdens are overwhelming, now is the time to delegate responsibilities to ensure fairness. Use this period to restructure your home life for the better and foster healthier family dynamics.

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

during Saturn retrograde in your third house of communication, be mindful of the impact of your words. Over the next four and a half months, what you say or write will carry significant weight. Use this period to refine and edit your communication style. Take responsibility for your words and consider making adjustments where necessary. This is also a favourable time for revising any communication-related projects or documents. By improving your communication skills, you’ll enhance your confidence in expressing opinions, providing feedback, and sharing knowledge.

Aquarius (January 22-February 19)

During Saturn retrograde in Pisces in your second house of money, it’s time to scrutinize your financial habits. You might discover that you’re hindering your own prosperity. Reflect on whether your spending patterns or self-doubt are holding you back from financial success. This period prompts you to release self-imposed limitations and open yourself to better opportunities and investments. Stay open-minded, as financial security could manifest unexpectedly when you’re willing to embrace abundance without restrictions.

Pisces (February 20-March 20)

During Saturn retrograde, which is affecting your first house of identity and appearance, it’s a time to ease up on self-criticism. While it’s important to recognize areas for improvement, also be kind to yourself. Over the next few months, focus on being more compassionate towards yourself. Avoid speaking negatively about your body, appearance, or abilities. Remember, the way you talk about yourself can impact how you feel. You can still work towards your goals of self-improvement without being overly critical of yourself.

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