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Seahawks Legend Michael Bennett, Local Teacher And Seahawks Travel To Selma, Montgomery And More For Learning Tour



Seahawks Legend Michael Bennett, Local Teacher And Seahawks Travel To Selma, Montgomery And More For Learning Tour

For Michael, having his daughter with him on the trip was deeper than him teaching her and for her to learn about history, because that is knowledge Michael said Peyton has, but about the opportunity “for her to be emerged in a culture where things critical have happened. A lot of it is really hard, because you’re dealing with facts, and nobody wants to deal with history and honesty, because history and honesty is a reflection of who we can be. And there’s some positivity is that came out of that. But there’s also some deep truths that are painful and violent. To have my daughter with me, along this journey is good for me to have somebody to have a conversation with about what she’s seen, how is she going to use she’s seeing, to make an impact. It only takes one ounce of water to make a plant start to grow. These kids are the future. For them to see culture at the finest, to walk across the [Edmund Pettus Bridge], where Martin Luther King Jr. walked, where John Lewis walked in, to be in an environment at the [16th Street Baptist Church] and realize that it was 3,000 kids that could help make that movement happen… kids really do have a voice because they have a lot more days in front of them than we have behind us…her future can be very bright by seeing the impact of culture and then also seeing the impact of Black women who were at the forefront of their positions.”

But throughout the trip, the importance of making sure that everything that was learned and discussed during those seven days, didn’t just stay as words and thoughts and rather turned into action was important.

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