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Sewage backup frustrating Fort Worth pizza shop owner



Sewage backup frustrating Fort Worth pizza shop owner

Spilling sewage is not something Jordan Scott wants to see in his restaurant bathroom, but he said it’s happened twice in two weeks at Mama’s Pizza on West Berry Street in Fort Worth.

“We flushed the bathroom in the men’s bathroom and all the water started coming up in the women’s bathroom from a floor drain,” Scott said, pointing out that the bathrooms are about 20 feet apart.

Scott said two separate plumbers had told him his system was fine, so he tried contacting the city to check on the lines underneath the alley next to his business.

“I said, ‘I’m going to call somebody to get something going, and it was either y’all or Jackie Chiles, and I called y’all,'” he said of his call to NBC 5.

We reached out on Thursday. On Friday morning, city crews investigated the issue at Scott’s pizza restaurant.

Last year, Scott said a sinkhole had formed in the same alley.

Fort Worth sinkhole near Mama’s Pizza on West Berry Street in 2023. ()

The city told NBC 5 that an old service connection had collapsed, so a new one was installed. On Friday, they checked the new service connection and the sewer main it connects to and said their system seemed fine.

The city said Atmos Energy crews did expose another service line, but that was not active and has been abandoned, so it would not have affected Mama’s Pizza’s sewer lines.

“There’s a disconnect somewhere and I don’t know who it’s on, but I have to have it fixed because I can’t keep having this stuff happen and come back into my building,” Scott said.

NBC 5 contacted Atmos Energy, and a spokesperson said they “are working with the customer directly to address their concern.”

Scott is left worrying about an unresolved fluid situation.

“It’s not a nice thing to have sewage back up into your bathrooms,” he said. “It’s gross and it’s not something that is my fault, so I have a really hard time dealing with it.”

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