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Survey: ‘Quiet luxury,’ ‘fast fashion’ resonate with consumers for different reasons



Survey: ‘Quiet luxury,’ ‘fast fashion’ resonate with consumers for different reasons

Nearly seven-in-10 (69%) are highly satisfied with higher-end clothing purchases, while 66% are highly satisfied with trendy, less-expensive clothing purchases.

When it comes to apparel, consumers are gravitating towards two differing styles.

According to a survey by Radial, both quiet luxury and fast fashion clothing are appealing to many consumers for different reasons. Quiet luxury is “all about refinement, subtlety, and making a presence without making a noise,” and buyers value investing in simplistic apparel such as high-quality knitwear, classic trench coats, logo-free accessories, and timeless shoes. 

By contrast, fast fashion is inexpensive clothing that is mass produced quickly in response to the latest trends, which Radial says is “all about visibility and catering to the moment.”

When asked what proportion of your current wardrobe is made of each segment, survey respondents said 69% quiet luxury and 31% fast fashion. Consumers say they’re satisfied with both segments, too. Nearly seven-in-10 (69%) are highly satisfied with higher-end clothing purchases, while 66% are highly satisfied with trendy, less-expensive clothing purchases.

When asked what factors are most important in clothing purchases, quality of materials ranked the highest (63%), followed by timeless, staple items (45%) and brand reputation (37%). Values that drive quiet luxury purchases included quality of materials (76%), timeless and classic styes (67%) and brand reputation (66%), while values that drive fast fashion purchases include shopping convenience and accessibility (62%), trendiness and fashion forward (59%) and price and affordability (58%).

Online reviews on the retailer or brand’s website is the most popular way to learn about the quality of clothing brands (22%) according to the survey. In-store experiences and staff recommendations followed at 19%, and friends and family followed at 17%. Despite 15% relying on social media, only 2% are relying on influencers who are typically on social media, which Radial says suggest that brand marketing on social media is having a significant effect. 

When asked where they shopped for each segment of clothing, in-store shoppers reported greater ability to physically examine products and a personalized experience. Online shoppers reported more convenience, greater availability of exclusive collections, and discounts and promotions.

For retailers, quiet luxury and fast fashion buyers have long been two different markets, but this is changing according to Radial, and today’s consumers are purchasing items from each style as they focus on differing fashion needs, desires and occasions.

“Quiet luxury brands excel at providing personalized content and recommendations and do well at keeping brand messaging consistent across channels,” said Radial in the report. “Fast fashion brands are winning at providing multiple channels and easy transitions between shopping modes.”

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