During the PC boom of the 1990s, Microsoft introduced Clippy as a friendly face to help users hone their word-processing skills. An animated paper clip with...
Designer Jony Ive, who gave many of Apple’s most iconic products their distinct look, is working with OpenAI CEO Sam Altman to design and build an...
There is a lot of chatter in the banking world about AI’s potential to disrupt jobs but, among the latest wave of future bankers at Goldman...
Good morning, Broadsheet readers! Harvey Weinstein has been indicted on more sexual assault charges, two women are now behind most U.S. mortgages, and AI companies join...
The NFL kicks off a new season this Thursday, a fresh start for all 32 teams. It also closely coincides with a new beginning for Aaron...
The company has profited handsomely from an AI craze that has seen tech giants pour billions of dollars into Nvidia chips to help power large language models...
Undergraduates might be clutching their Natty Light and graduation caps a little tighter this year compared to prior graduating-class cohorts. Facing waves of uncertainty after a...
Apple Inc. is planning to hold its biggest product launch event of the year on Sept. 10, when the company will unveil the latest iPhones, watches...
Business spending as a share of the U.S. economy has been relatively steady since the 1940s, but it’s undergone a total transformation in recent years, according...
Turns out Apple will bring its “Apple Intelligence” AI to Europe after all—though only to a relatively small subset of its userbase. Apple said in late...
The labor market is cooling. It’s cooling so quickly, in fact, that global markets are in a tizzy over it, with plenty of hand wringing from...
The latest labor report shows that hiring growth has quickly slowed in July, falling short of economists’ expectations. The unemployment rate also rose to 4.3%—the highest...