A small tour group from mainland China embarked on a three-day trip to a Taiwan-governed archipelago on Friday, becoming the first group tour to visit the...
Within sight of mango and pineapple fields on the Chinese holiday island of Hainan, workers at Linglong One are finishing what will become the world’s first...
The changes were released by the Central Military Commission and the State Council as an update to regulations in place since 2011, according to a document...
First, the administrative officer. These are members of an elite corp in the civil service who help draft most policies. Second, the executive officer II is...
The Post unpacks what is up for grabs for bargain hunters. 1. What is the Hong Kong Shopping Festival? The twofold event will be held from...
Hong Kong’s leading trade organisations are holding two shopping festivals highlighting local brands in the hopes of sparking a spending spree by taking advantage of Beijing’s...
Evon Wang, a high school graduate from Dongguan, grew up dreaming of becoming an English teacher. But when she began to apply for universities and majors...
“A lot of people are just not spending like they used to,” said Dengle, co-founder of exeQute, a class-based fitness centre located in downtown Shanghai. “Before...
The couple will transfer their son to a public school in September to save 300,000 yuan in annual tuition fees after the father’s basic monthly salary...
Feel strongly about these letters, or any other aspects of the news? Share your views by emailing us your Letter to the Editor at [email protected] or...
The Post unpacks what you need to know about the new permit. 1. What is the new visa policy? Starting from July 10, non-Chinese permanent residents...
A separate joint statement from several central government departments said that mainland residents aged 18 or over could have their duty-free allowance raised to 12,000 yuan,...