Luxury brand Hermès is best known for its handbags, which can start at around $10,000. Its artistic director, Pierre-Alexis Dumas, said they were not “expensive,” but...
Attorneys for Mike Jeffries asked a judge to rule on whether he is mentally fit for trial. Federal prosecutors will likely challenge the move, adding months...
Influencers and other affiliates drove about 20% of US Cyber Monday revenue, per Adobe Analytics. Posts with affiliate links were six times as likely to lead...
The YouGov fashion rankings are based on based on surveys of more than 32,000 Americans. A new survey ranks the nation’s top fashion brands, with a...
Open this photo in gallery: Style Advisor – Personal Style – Neelam AhoojaIllustration by Lauren Tamaki When published an article last November titled “The Row’s...
Will Johnson Chicago Tribune In the pandemic’s early years, Mary and her husband had their groceries delivered from Whole Foods every week, paying $35 or so...
In a world filled with fashion boutiques, Maitlynn Lerille’s new venture, Miggie’s, stands out not just for its stylish offerings, but for the deeply personal story...
Polyester is one of the most popular fabrics in the world. Made from PET plastic, it is prized for its durability, lightness, and low cost of...
We want to contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. We strongly believe in the potential of renewable energy and are confident that our experience...
Welcome back to our Saturday edition! Eating healthy just got a lot easier. A longevity expert says two pantry staples are actually the cornerstone of a...
It seemed for a moment like Glossier might be headed the way of skinny jeans or Allbirds — yet another brand aligned with 2010s millennial appeal...
Sports-media brand Overtime has built an e-commerce business that the company said reached over eight figures in annual sales in 2023 by partnering with brands like...