Once the bustling Iowa City Yacht Club, then electrified as the Joystick Comedy Arcade, a downtown nightlife hub has been reborn as Alley Cat. Still owned...
Ludolph R, Schulz PJ, Chen L. Investigating the effects of mass media exposure on the uptake of preventive measures by Hong Kong residents during the 2015...
It’s the end of the world as we know it, and Jay Baruchel feels fine. On the second season of his Crave series We’re All Gonna Die...
Travel between the island and the mainland has become increasingly limited since 2019 as cross-strait tensions triggered restrictions. “We sincerely invite Taiwan compatriots to visit the...
Pre-travel checklist: What to do before your trip Make sure to check off this pre-travel list before your next big trip. Problem Solved, USA TODAY Are...
Atrial fibrillation can happen to young adults, said UPMC Hamot doctor Dr. Madhurmeet Singh, a UPMC Hamot cardiologist, explains some conditions that could lead a relatively...
The Norwich Board of Education meeting Tuesday was filled with members of the public wearing yellow “I support music” stickers and people wanting to express concerns...