“Never push an update on a Friday,” a computer scientist told a BBC reporter after information technology outages caused global blackouts, disrupting air travel as well...
When George Kurtz announced the establishment of his new company CrowdStrike in 2012 on his blog, few outside the tech industry would have noticed. Kurtz, along...
Airlines, banks, hospitals and other risk-averse organizations around the world chose cybersecurity company CrowdStrike to protect their computer systems from hackers and data breaches. But all...
A faulty software update issued by security giant CrowdStrike has resulted in a massive overnight outage that’s affected Windows computers around the world, disrupting businesses, airports, train...
Banks, airports, TV stations, hotels, and countless other businesses are all facing widespread IT outages, leaving flights grounded and causing widespread disruption, after Windows machines have...
In this photo illustration, CrowdStrike logo of a U.S. cybersecurity technology company is seen on a smartphone and a pc screen. Pavlo Gonchar | Sopa Images...
In its latest update about a cyberattack that hampered its web services and thinned grocery stock, Federated Co-operatives Limited says its websites are back online. At...
Many consumers are enamored with generative AI, using new tools for all sorts of personal or business matters. But many ignore the potential privacy ramifications, which...
Google is helping internet users fight online crime. Users of the ubiquitous search engine will soon have free access to a tool that allows anyone to...
GREENVILLE, N.C. — Sup Dogs owner Bret Oliverio relies heavily on social media to promote his restaurant, and other businesses. “As a whole social media is...
Apple has released new guidance for iPhone users amid an alarming uptick in deceptive phishing scams. The ploys occur when hackers “use sophisticated tactics to persuade...
Chinese fast-fashion giant Shein is looking to expand its supply chain throughout the United States — and experts warn its plans may pose serious cybersecurity risks....