In 2007, Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone, a revolutionary device that captured global attention and changed the landscape of both technology and education. This pocket-sized computer...
MARQUETTE, Mich. (WLUC) – Upper Peninsula educators learned from world-class education experts at Northern Michigan University’s Northern Center Monday. Marquette-Alger RESA (MARESA) began its 2024 Fall...
Joliet Township High School District 204 will host a communitywide event open to everyone from 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22, at Joliet Central High...
Washington will have more than 1.5 million job openings in the next eight years but it’s not currently training enough people to fill them. A new...
The rapid development and rollout of artificial intelligence technology is set to fundamentally reshape virtually all aspects of life – but workplaces could be among the...
The University of Tennessee (in orange) and the University of Oklahoma (in red) are among the colleges that could join a proposed super league thanks to...
ATLANTA — The regents who govern Georgia’s 26 public universities and colleges voted on Tuesday to ask the NCAA and another college athletic federation to ban...
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus. This article is written by a student...
“Barriers to progression stem from constant changes in leadership, which mean constant changes to the brand strategy,” says one respondent. “You start working towards one goal,...
Jobs, academic programs and athletic teams were all on the chopping block at many universities last month as they struggled to plug budget holes amid declining...
Each week we showcase two schools and what they’re doing off the field in our Academic Showcase brought to you by The United States Air Force....
In August, the Kearsarge Regional School Board took up a thorny question: How should it comply with a new law barring transgender girls from middle and...