People Quit Jobs Via Text Or Email In Satisfying Ways For a lot of people, work is no fun at all, just something to slog through...
Running is a very affordable form of cardio you can do anytime, anywhere. Lacing up your sneakers and heading out for an invigorating run five to...
9. “I work at a major cell phone retailer. I once had a man come in with his wife to upgrade whatever the new iPhone was....
Ja Rule in concert at CelebrateErie: Performs for thousands in Erie Hip hop artist Ja Rule performed for about 15,000 people, on Aug. 20, 2022, during...
Did you know that birds live in a more vibrant world than us? They can see a broader spectrum of colors not perceptible to humans, experts...
21 Generational Fashion Trends That Confuse Older People We recently asked the older members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which fashion and beauty trends...
“I got no sleep on my 16-hour flight to Korea. Got a quick sleep at the hotel, and then the friends and I chose our ‘random...
“I noticed that introversion and extroversion don’t really capture the nuance of how we approach socializing, solitude, and connection in our lives,” Kasley Killam, MPH and...
27. “I work in theatre, both on the academic side and on the professional side, and I can tell you that if you are an actor,...
Kids at Discovery World learn about water science and see Mermaid Echo Pierce VanValkenburg, a freshwater sciences grad student at UW-Milwaukee, shares fresh water science with...
Why Your Skin Gets Crepey With Age Explained Crepes may be delectable, but crepey skin? Not so much. The term describes skin that, like crepe paper,...
19 People Who I Know For A Fact — Like, An Absolute FACT — Regret Every Single Decision They Made Last Week If you just had...