For the first time in the modern era of the NCAA Tournament, Tennessee is headed to the College World Series championship series. The Volunteers last appeared...
In a new weekly series, USA TODAY’s The Essentials, celebrities share what fuels their lives. Shay Mitchell is blending travel and alcohol to make the ultimate cocktail:...
‘Gig economy’ jobs linked to higher risk of alcohol-related illness A new study warns that the ‘gig economy’ may have damaging repercussions to young people’s health....
Jakarta. Chief Cultural Affairs Minister Muhadjir Effendy has clarified his statement regarding the provision of social assistance (bansos) to online gambling victims. Muhadjir emphasized that the...
It took an extra inning, but the Kentucky Wildcats won their College World Series debut in thrilling fashion, walking off NC State in the bottom of...
Stumbled upon this little nugget from Connor Happer who clipped out a picture from an article meant for North Carolina fans visiting Omaha for the College...
“Baseball has been very very good to me.” “Baseball is life.” Two phrases that I grew up around, an essential part of my bringing. My parents,...
How to pack light for travel Don’t check in your bags at the airport. Save money by packing more efficiently. Problem Solved, USA TODAY Cruise passengers...
My late, Scottish mother had a very pertinent saying: “If you sleep with a dog, you’ll wake up with fleas.” It seems appropriate today, as MLB...
Calling for aficionados of championship belt designs. MLW has something for you. Major League Wrestling revealed the new design of the MLW World Heavyweight Championship held...
Colombia on Wynwood’s Runway by Wanitta & Colombiamoda was an iconic outdoor fashion show featuring top designers from Medellín and other cities of the country. The...
What’s not to like about June? The weather in Vermont is gorgeous and the arts-and-entertainment calendar is as full as that swimming pool you’re jumping at...