Legendary game show host Chuck Woolery, who helped found “Wheel of Fortune” before moving on to such shows as “The Dating Game,” died Saturday. He was...
Just when you thought he was out, he’s back — for a short while. Although Pat Sajak retired in June after a record-breaking stretch of hosting...
Pat Sajak and Vanna White have taped more than 8,000 “Wheel of Fortune” episodes together — and yet they’ve only had one argument in four decades....
Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson announces new growth and development leader for G-Unit studios in Shreveport. As Louisiana continues to earn the spotlight this week, read more...
He’s spinning his wheels. Legendary, long-running “Wheel of Fortune” host Pat Sajak, 77 — known for his snark — had one of his most shocking reactions...
He’s game for it. Patton Oswalt hosts “The 1% Club,” Prime Video’s first-ever game show. Premiering May 23 on the streamer and June 3 on Fox...