Jurassic World:Chaos Theory Season Two lands on Netflix DreamWorks Animation The second season of the animated spin-off series based on the blockbuster Jurassic World movie franchise...
Jurassic World 4, officially titled Jurassic World: Rebirth, has major stars attached and a plot featuring air, land and sea dinosaurs. The next feature film in...
Universal Pictures gave fans a first look at ‘Jurassic World Rebirth,’ which will star actors Scarlett Johansson, Mahershala Ali and Jonathan Bailey. The Jurassic World franchise...
Universal Pictures is sharing the title and first look at its new Jurassic World film. The studio announced Thursday that director Gareth Edwards‘ movie, which is...
Universal has officially released the first look of “Jurassic World Rebirth,” the seventh film in the 31-year-old franchise, starring Scarlett Johansson, Jonathan Bailey and Mahershala Ali....
As Scarlett Johansson begins filming the latest installment of Universal’s enduring dino-centric action-adventure, she received a warm welcome to Jurassic World from franchise veteran Jeff Goldblum....
Scarlett Johansson is on board for Jurassic World 4 and was surprised with a message from Jeff Goldblum. During an appearance on the Today show, Johansson...
Scarlett Johansson has, after careful consideration, decided to endorse the park. After confirming her casting Monday in the upcoming fourth installment of the “Jurassic World” franchise,...
Scarlett Johansson opened up about her involvement in the Jurassic World universe in a new film directed by Gareth Edwards and penned by David Koepp. The...
Actor Scarlett Johansson shared that she will be headlining the next Jurassic World, which is being helmed by Gareth Edwards, the director of Godzilla and Rogue...
Image: Mattel San Diego Comic-Con exclusive toy releases are beginning to roll out and Mattel’s Jurassic World Hammond Collection has a winner right out of the...
Scarlett Johansson confirmed to ComicBook.com that she is, in fact, headlining the next “Jurassic World” movie, which is being directed by “Rogue One” and “Godzilla” filmmaker...