CNY Central has named a new sports director as the Syracuse football season gets ready to kick off. Samantha Croston, who has worked at the CNY...
“Nappy Boy,” “Teddy Pain,” otherwise known as T-Pain, put on an electric show during his act on the “Party After Dark Tour” alongside Miami rapper and...
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Kohl’s is celebrating its Friends & Family sale where shoppers can 20% off with code SHOP20 from August 21-25. If you’re back-to-school shopping you’ll want to...
If you’re a Drybar fan, but haven’t found time to book a salon blowout in a while, then Amazon has you covered. You can grab The...
Are you a Stanley fan or an Owala fan? Either way, everyone is hopping on the water bottle trend and shopping for their favorite bottle styles....
Suspended in the air on a glowing purple crescent moon, Olivia Rodrigo serenaded thousands of young fans at the Moda Center on Saturday, fulfilling hundreds of...
Oceans Calling Festival 2024 is sold out. But, fans can still find tickets to the Sept. 27-29 event in Ocean City, Maryland. Headlining on Friday is...
With rising temperatures, you might find yourself seeking ways to stay cool. If your residence lacks central air conditioning, room air conditioners offer a cost-effective and...