Adventure Time With the sun and moon both burning through fire signs, we venture into new territory, seeking inspiration, motivation and fuel to keep the high...
Libran Lunar Lessons The lunar influence in Libra, the sign of partnership, reminds us how the nearness of a friend can make all the difference in...
Where the Moon Meets Stardust We are all carbon-based life forms, creatures made from the dust of a distant star. With certain people, it feels as...
HOROSCOPES BY HOLIDAY Magical New Moon Abracadabra is a one-word spell with a meaning along the lines of, “Make it so.” An even more efficient and...
HOROSCOPES BY HOLIDAY, BY HOLIDAY MATHIS Abracadabra is a one-word spell with a meaning along the lines of, “Make it so.” An even more efficient and...
Magical New Moon Abracadabra is a one-word spell with a meaning along the lines of, “Make it so.” An even more efficient and magical spell is...
HOROSCOPES BY HOLIDAY, BY HOLIDAY MATHIS It’s rare that two planetary oppositions would occur in the same day, but the pull across the sky from the...
Double Oppositions It’s rare that two planetary oppositions would occur in the same day, but the pull across the sky from the realm of Leo produces...
HOROSCOPES BY HOLIDAY, BY HOLIDAY MATHIS Male deer shed their antlers in winter, and by July a new crowning glory sits atop their head, nature’s way...
Over the Moon The moon’s flirtation with Mercury in Leo is a reminder of joy’s role in your life. When you feel joyful, it’s much easier...
HOROSCOPES BY HOLIDAY, BY HOLIDAY MATHIS A bold playfulness rises with the moon, angles Venus in Leo and then negs Jupiter. We are like children watching...
HOROSCOPES BY HOLIDAY Partnership Moon The moon in the sign of partnership offers up a square suggesting that no matter how close we are to our...