Daylight hours are closing in so it’s time to make the most of them before the winter hibernation. Close the laptop, put down the cell phone...
Countdown to Jupiter Retrograde While there may be absolutely nothing wrong with a relationship, unless it’s growing, it’s also not quite right. Because a relationship that...
HOROSCOPES BY HOLIDAY Harvesting the Moon From some vantage points, the lunar eclipse of the full moon in Pisces will give the illusion of a white...
Harvesting the Moon From some vantage points, the lunar eclipse of the full moon in Pisces will give the illusion of a white berry plucked at...
The Fall River woman who died in mid-August after being hit by a car was remembered as someone who loved to shop, watch TV and enjoy...
Thirty-five years ago, I led an education and funding campaign for the Portland Art Museum. While we had strong champions in leaders such as Doug Goodman,...
HOROSCOPES BY HOLIDAY, BY HOLIDAY MATHIS Male deer shed their antlers in winter, and by July a new crowning glory sits atop their head, nature’s way...
HOROSCOPES BY HOLIDAY The Lesson of Two Lunar Squares Success is more of a feeling than a destination. To arrive physically, it doesn’t matter if you’re...
HOROSCOPES BY HOLIDAY, BY HOLIDAY MATHIS Success is more of a feeling than a destination. To arrive physically, it doesn’t matter if you’re running away from...
Neptune Retrograde When Neptune reverses, life is like a jigsaw puzzle without a picture on the box. This is not one of those repetitive images that...
Human development typically includes a stage in which leadership becomes internalized. Often the tone of this inner guidance is a resonance of the parenting a person...
HOROSCOPES BY HOLIDAY, BY HOLIDAY MATHIS Maybe being wrong isn’t fun, but it’s definitely inevitable. Pluto retrograde recalls how the people who know they are flawed...