The Committee Within When you desire one behavior and exhibit another, it’s not for lack of willpower, rather it’s because you house a committee within you...
The Cosmic Kick Line Does it feel like you’re holding back? It’s what’s appropriate in this day of precarious squared aspects. As professional dancers in a...
Angel Numbers on Veterans Day The modern concept of angel numbers is an offshoot of the numerology of Greeks like Pythagoras, whose devotion to the numeric...
Countdown to a Venus Change Feelings are just one of the many ways the mind processes information. This day before the Venus change recalls how each...
On Carl Sagan Day “Every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species,...
Pride’s Bluff If the prevailing squares have something to teach, it’s that arrogance is just fear wearing a clever disguise. While it’s typical to feel offended...
Keep Trying — Endless Chances to Get it Right It’s only natural to feel afraid to go for what you really want. The thought of putting...
Chiron’s Complaint Box Some complain to show their exceptional talents of discernment and flex the implied intellectual superiority. Complaining can also be the refuge of those...
Election Day Forecast The moon hits a square to visionary Neptune before changing from Sagittarius to Capricorn, echoing the high tensions of Election Day in the...
IF NOVEMBER 4 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Don’t let ambition or a desire to make more profits distract you from what is more important during the upcoming...
A Cost Analysis Since relationships are investments that often exceed the advertised price, we want to make sure they are worth it. The solar trine to...
Love and Architecture Relationships are structures. Some are homes, others are shops, and then there are the huts, sheds and cages. Two cosmic oppositions throw focus...