National Anthem: Elizabeth Burris Elizabeth Burris is a 20-year old Louisiana State University junior and Dean’s List recipient who has performed the national anthem for LSU...
National Anthem: Jon Baptiste Baptiste is a five-time Grammy Award-winning and Academy Award-winning artist known for his dynamic work as a singer, songwriter and composer. The...
National Anthem: Ray Bordreaux Boudreaux is a soul singer/songwriter from South Louisiana who finished in the Top 7 on season 5 of NBC’s “The Voice.” Ray’s...
National Anthem: Jake Cowley Jake Cowley is a 27-year old gifted gospel artist who has been singing since he was two years old. His love of...
National Anthem: JoJo Mathieu Hailing from New Orleans, Mathieu’s voice is shaped by a lifetime of passion and dedication. A proud, U.S. Army veteran, Mathieu served...
National Anthem: Karen Waldrup Louisiana native Karen Waldrup is an internationally known country soul singer, BMI songwriter and winner of 12 Nashville Industry Music Awards. She...